GHDL: free and open-source analyzer, compiler, simulator and (experimental) synthesizer for VHDL


02.02.2021 - GHDL v1.0 was released

31.01.2021 - GHDL v1.0.0rc1 was tagged

  • Python bindings were overhauled and renamed to pyGHDL. Three modules are included: libghdl, lsp and dom.

    • The utility scripts in the codebase were moved into subdir scripts: CI, binding generation, vendors, etc.

  • Repository ghdl/extended-tests was created for testing vendors build scripts.

  • The logo was updated (org, ghdl/ghdl, ghdl/docker and ghdl/ghdl-cosim).

  • Assets are not added to releases or pre-releases anymore. Users should use package managers or nightly assets.

21.05.2020 - Nightly build assets available

  • After each successful CI run of branch master, packages are published as assets of pre-release nightly.

  • GitHub Action ghdl/setup-ghdl-ci was created, to allow easy installation of nightly GHDL assets in GitHub Actions workflows.

09.05.2020 - New repositories and a wiki were created

28.02.2020 - GHDL v0.37 was released

The major changes are:

  • Experimental support of synthesis (either with –synth or with the Yosys plugin).

  • Fixes and improved support of vhdl 2008.

  • Last version that supports the Mentor variation of std_logic_arith. The Synopsys one is still available.

03.03.2019 - GHDL v0.36 was released

23.02.2019 - GHDL v0.36-rc1 was released

The major improvements are:

  • more support of unbounded arrays and records

  • support of UVVM and Vunit

29.11.2018 - GHDL 20181129 was released

20.12.2017 - A new GitHub organization was created

A new GitHub organization is created and the main repo is moved from to Old refs will continue working, because permanent redirects are set up. However, we suggest every contributor to update the remote URLs in their local clones.

14.12.2017 - GHDL 0.35 was released

15.08.2017 - GHDL 0.34 was released

23.10.2015 - GHDL 0.33 was released