# =============================================================================
# ____ _ _ ____ _ _
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# |_| |___/
# =============================================================================
# Authors:
# Patrick Lehmann
# Package module: DOM: Interface items (e.g. generic or port)
# License:
# ============================================================================
# Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Tristan Gingold
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# ============================================================================
from typing import List, Union, Iterator, Tuple, Iterable
from pyTooling.Decorators import export
from pyVHDLModel.SyntaxModel import (
AnonymousType as VHDLModel_AnonymousType,
PhysicalType as VHDLModel_PhysicalType,
IntegerType as VHDLModel_IntegerType,
EnumeratedType as VHDLModel_EnumeratedType,
ArrayType as VHDLModel_ArrayType,
RecordTypeElement as VHDLModel_RecordTypeElement,
RecordType as VHDLModel_RecordType,
AccessType as VHDLModel_AccessType,
FileType as VHDLModel_FileType,
ProtectedType as VHDLModel_ProtectedType,
ProtectedTypeBody as VHDLModel_ProtectedTypeBody,
Subtype as VHDLModel_Subtype,
from pyGHDL.libghdl import utils
from pyGHDL.libghdl._types import Iir
from pyGHDL.libghdl.vhdl import nodes, flists
from pyGHDL.dom import DOMMixin, DOMException, Position
from pyGHDL.dom.Symbol import SimpleSubtypeSymbol
from pyGHDL.dom.Literal import EnumerationLiteral, PhysicalIntegerLiteral
from pyGHDL.dom.Range import Range
from pyGHDL.dom.Subprogram import Function, Procedure
class IncompleteType(VHDLModel_AnonymousType, DOMMixin):
[docs] def __init__(self, node: Iir, identifier: str):
DOMMixin.__init__(self, node)
def parse(cls, node: Iir) -> "IncompleteType":
from pyGHDL.dom._Utils import GetNameOfNode
name = GetNameOfNode(node)
return cls(node, name)
class EnumeratedType(VHDLModel_EnumeratedType, DOMMixin):
[docs] def __init__(self, node: Iir, identifier: str, literals: List[EnumerationLiteral]):
super().__init__(identifier, literals)
DOMMixin.__init__(self, node)
def parse(cls, typeName: str, typeDefinitionNode: Iir) -> "EnumeratedType":
literals = []
enumerationLiterals = nodes.Get_Enumeration_Literal_List(typeDefinitionNode)
for enumerationLiteral in utils.flist_iter(enumerationLiterals):
literal = EnumerationLiteral.parse(enumerationLiteral)
return cls(typeDefinitionNode, typeName, literals)
class IntegerType(VHDLModel_IntegerType, DOMMixin):
[docs] def __init__(self, node: Iir, typeName: str, rng: Union[Range, "Name"]):
super().__init__(typeName, rng)
DOMMixin.__init__(self, node)
class PhysicalType(VHDLModel_PhysicalType, DOMMixin):
[docs] def __init__(
node: Iir,
typeName: str,
rng: Union[Range, Name],
primaryUnit: str,
units: List[Tuple[str, PhysicalIntegerLiteral]],
super().__init__(typeName, rng, primaryUnit, units)
DOMMixin.__init__(self, node)
def parse(cls, typeName: str, typeDefinitionNode: Iir) -> "PhysicalType":
from pyGHDL.dom._Utils import GetIirKindOfNode, GetNameOfNode
from pyGHDL.dom._Translate import GetRangeFromNode, GetNameFromNode
rangeConstraint = nodes.Get_Range_Constraint(typeDefinitionNode)
rangeKind = GetIirKindOfNode(rangeConstraint)
if rangeKind == nodes.Iir_Kind.Range_Expression:
rng = GetRangeFromNode(rangeConstraint)
elif rangeKind in (
rng = GetNameFromNode(rangeConstraint)
pos = Position.parse(typeDefinitionNode)
raise DOMException(f"Unknown range kind '{rangeKind.name}' in physical type definition at line {pos.Line}.")
primaryUnit = nodes.Get_Primary_Unit(typeDefinitionNode)
primaryUnitName = GetNameOfNode(primaryUnit)
units = []
for secondaryUnit in utils.chain_iter(nodes.Get_Unit_Chain(typeDefinitionNode)):
secondaryUnitName = GetNameOfNode(secondaryUnit)
if secondaryUnit == primaryUnit:
physicalLiteral = PhysicalIntegerLiteral.parse(nodes.Get_Physical_Literal(secondaryUnit))
units.append((secondaryUnitName, physicalLiteral))
return cls(typeDefinitionNode, typeName, rng, primaryUnitName, units)
class ArrayType(VHDLModel_ArrayType, DOMMixin):
[docs] def __init__(self, node: Iir, identifier: str, indices: List, elementSubtype: SubtypeOrSymbol):
super().__init__(identifier, indices, elementSubtype)
DOMMixin.__init__(self, node)
def parse(cls, typeName: str, typeDefinitionNode: Iir) -> "ArrayType":
from pyGHDL.dom._Utils import GetIirKindOfNode
from pyGHDL.dom._Translate import (
indices = []
indexDefinitions = nodes.Get_Index_Subtype_Definition_List(typeDefinitionNode)
for index in utils.flist_iter(indexDefinitions):
indexKind = GetIirKindOfNode(index)
if indexKind == nodes.Iir_Kind.Simple_Name:
indexSubtype = GetSimpleTypeFromNode(index)
raise DOMException(
f"Unknown kind '{indexKind.name}' for an index in the array definition of `{typeName}`."
elementSubtypeIndication = nodes.Get_Element_Subtype_Indication(typeDefinitionNode)
elementSubtype = GetSubtypeIndicationFromIndicationNode(elementSubtypeIndication, "array declaration", typeName)
return cls(typeDefinitionNode, typeName, indices, elementSubtype)
class RecordTypeElement(VHDLModel_RecordTypeElement, DOMMixin):
[docs] def __init__(self, node: Iir, identifiers: List[str], subtype: SubtypeOrSymbol):
super().__init__(identifiers, subtype)
DOMMixin.__init__(self, node)
def parse(cls, elementDeclarationNode: Iir, furtherIdentifiers: Iterable[str] = None) -> "RecordTypeElement":
from pyGHDL.dom._Utils import GetNameOfNode
from pyGHDL.dom._Translate import GetSubtypeIndicationFromNode
elementName = GetNameOfNode(elementDeclarationNode)
elementType = GetSubtypeIndicationFromNode(elementDeclarationNode, "record element", elementName)
identifiers = [elementName]
if furtherIdentifiers is not None:
return cls(elementDeclarationNode, identifiers, elementType)
class RecordType(VHDLModel_RecordType, DOMMixin):
[docs] def __init__(self, node: Iir, identifier: str, elements: List[RecordTypeElement] = None):
super().__init__(identifier, elements)
DOMMixin.__init__(self, node)
def parse(cls, typeName: str, typeDefinitionNode: Iir) -> "RecordType":
from pyGHDL.dom._Utils import GetNameOfNode
elements = []
elementDeclarations = nodes.Get_Elements_Declaration_List(typeDefinitionNode)
furtherIdentifiers = []
elementCount = flists.Flast(elementDeclarations) + 1
index = 0
while index < elementCount:
elementDeclaration = flists.Get_Nth_Element(elementDeclarations, index)
# Lookahead for elements with multiple identifiers at once
if nodes.Get_Has_Identifier_List(elementDeclaration):
index += 1
while index < elementCount:
nextNode: Iir = flists.Get_Nth_Element(elementDeclarations, index)
# Consecutive identifiers are found, if the subtype indication is Null
if nodes.Get_Subtype_Indication(nextNode) == nodes.Null_Iir:
index += 1
# The last consecutive identifiers has no Identifier_List flag
if not nodes.Get_Has_Identifier_List(nextNode):
index += 1
element = RecordTypeElement.parse(elementDeclaration, furtherIdentifiers)
return cls(typeDefinitionNode, typeName, elements)
class ProtectedType(VHDLModel_ProtectedType, DOMMixin):
[docs] def __init__(self, node: Iir, identifier: str, methods: Union[List, Iterator] = None):
super().__init__(identifier, methods)
DOMMixin.__init__(self, node)
def parse(cls, typeName: str, typeDefinitionNode: Iir) -> "ProtectedType":
from pyGHDL.dom._Utils import GetIirKindOfNode
# FIXME: change this to a generator
methods = []
for item in utils.chain_iter(nodes.Get_Declaration_Chain(typeDefinitionNode)):
kind = GetIirKindOfNode(item)
if kind == nodes.Iir_Kind.Function_Declaration:
elif kind == nodes.Iir_Kind.Procedure_Declaration:
return cls(typeDefinitionNode, typeName, methods)
class ProtectedTypeBody(VHDLModel_ProtectedTypeBody, DOMMixin):
[docs] def __init__(self, node: Iir, identifier: str, declaredItems: Union[List, Iterator] = None):
super().__init__(identifier, declaredItems)
DOMMixin.__init__(self, node)
def parse(cls, protectedBodyNode: Iir) -> "ProtectedTypeBody":
from pyGHDL.dom._Utils import GetNameOfNode
from pyGHDL.dom._Translate import GetDeclaredItemsFromChainedNodes
typeName = GetNameOfNode(protectedBodyNode)
declaredItems = GetDeclaredItemsFromChainedNodes(
"protected type body",
return cls(protectedBodyNode, typeName, declaredItems)
class AccessType(VHDLModel_AccessType, DOMMixin):
[docs] def __init__(self, node: Iir, identifier: str, designatedSubtype: SubtypeOrSymbol):
super().__init__(identifier, designatedSubtype)
DOMMixin.__init__(self, node)
def parse(cls, typeName: str, typeDefinitionNode: Iir) -> "AccessType":
from pyGHDL.dom._Translate import GetSubtypeIndicationFromIndicationNode
designatedSubtypeIndication = nodes.Get_Designated_Subtype_Indication(typeDefinitionNode)
designatedSubtype = GetSubtypeIndicationFromIndicationNode(designatedSubtypeIndication, "access type", typeName)
return cls(typeDefinitionNode, typeName, designatedSubtype)
class FileType(VHDLModel_FileType, DOMMixin):
[docs] def __init__(self, node: Iir, identifier: str, designatedSubtype: SubtypeOrSymbol):
super().__init__(identifier, designatedSubtype)
DOMMixin.__init__(self, node)
def parse(cls, typeName: str, typeDefinitionNode: Iir) -> "FileType":
from pyGHDL.dom._Utils import GetNameOfNode
designatedSubtypeMark = nodes.Get_File_Type_Mark(typeDefinitionNode)
designatedSubtypeName = GetNameOfNode(designatedSubtypeMark)
designatedSubtype = SimpleSubtypeSymbol(typeDefinitionNode, designatedSubtypeName)
return cls(typeDefinitionNode, typeName, designatedSubtype)
class Subtype(VHDLModel_Subtype, DOMMixin):
[docs] def __init__(self, node: Iir, subtypeName: str):
DOMMixin.__init__(self, node)