Source code for pyGHDL.dom._Utils

# =============================================================================
#               ____ _   _ ____  _          _
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# | |_) | |_| | |_| |  _  | |_| | |___ | (_| | (_) | | | | | |
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# |_|    |___/
# =============================================================================
# Authors:
#   Patrick Lehmann
# Package module:   DOM: IIR helper functions
# License:
# ============================================================================
#  Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Tristan Gingold
#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# ============================================================================
from pyTooling.Decorators import export

from pyVHDLModel.SyntaxModel import Mode

from pyGHDL.libghdl import LibGHDLException, name_table, errorout_memory, files_map, file_comments
from pyGHDL.libghdl._types import Iir
from pyGHDL.libghdl.vhdl import nodes, utils
from pyGHDL.libghdl.vhdl.nodes import Null_Iir
from pyGHDL.dom import DOMException

__all__ = []

    nodes.Iir_Mode.In_Mode: Mode.In,
    nodes.Iir_Mode.Out_Mode: Mode.Out,
    nodes.Iir_Mode.Inout_Mode: Mode.InOut,
    nodes.Iir_Mode.Buffer_Mode: Mode.Buffer,
    nodes.Iir_Mode.Linkage_Mode: Mode.Linkage,
Translation table if IIR modes to pyVHDLModel mode enumeration values.

[docs]@export def CheckForErrors() -> None: """ Check if an error occurred in libghdl and raise an exception if so. **Behavior:** 1. read the error buffer and clear it afterwards 2. convert it into a list of internal messages for a :exc:`LibGHDLException` 3. raise a :exc:`DOMException` with a nested :exc:`LibGHDLException` as a ``__cause__``. :raises DOMException: If an error occurred in libghdl. """ errorCount = errorout_memory.Get_Nbr_Messages() if errorCount != 0: errors = [] for i in range(errorCount): rec = errorout_memory.Get_Error_Record(i + 1) # FIXME: needs help from @tgingold fileName = "????" # name_table.Get_Name_Ptr(files_map.Get_File_Name(rec.file)) message = errorout_memory.Get_Error_Message(i + 1) errors.append(f"{fileName}:{rec.line}:{rec.offset}: {message}") errorout_memory.Clear_Errors() raise DOMException("Error raised in libghdl.") from LibGHDLException("libghdl: Internal error.", errors)
[docs]@export def GetIirKindOfNode(node: Iir) -> nodes.Iir_Kind: """Return the kind of a node in the IIR tree. :returns: The IIR kind of a node. :raises ValueError: If parameter ``node`` is :py:data:`~pyGHDL.libghdl.vhdl.nodes.Null_Iir`. """ if node == Null_Iir: raise ValueError("GetIirKindOfNode: Parameter 'node' must not be 'Null_Iir'.") kind: int = nodes.Get_Kind(node) return nodes.Iir_Kind(kind)
[docs]@export def GetNameOfNode(node: Iir) -> str: """Return the Python string from node ``node`` identifier. :raises ValueError: If parameter ``node`` is :py:data:`~pyGHDL.libghdl.vhdl.nodes.Null_Iir`. """ if node == Null_Iir: raise ValueError("GetNameOfNode: Parameter 'node' must not be 'Null_Iir'.") identifier = utils.Get_Source_Identifier(node) return name_table.Get_Name_Ptr(identifier)
[docs]@export def GetDocumentationOfNode(node: Iir) -> str: file = files_map.Location_To_File(nodes.Get_Location(node)) idx = file_comments.Find_First_Comment(file, node) documentation = [] while idx != file_comments.No_Comment_Index: documentation.append(file_comments.Get_Comment(file, idx)) idx = file_comments.Get_Next_Comment(file, idx) return "\n".join(documentation)
[docs]@export def GetModeOfNode(node: Iir) -> Mode: """Return the mode of a ``node``. :raises ValueError: If parameter ``node`` is :py:data:`~pyGHDL.libghdl.vhdl.nodes.Null_Iir`. :raises DOMException: If mode returned by libghdl is not known by :py:data:`__MODE_TRANSLATION`. """ if node == Null_Iir: raise ValueError("GetModeOfNode: Parameter 'node' must not be 'Null_Iir'.") try: return __MODE_TRANSLATION[nodes.Get_Mode(node)] except KeyError as ex: raise DOMException(f"Unknown mode '{ex.args[0]}'.") from ex