# Auto generated Python source file from Ada sources
# Call 'make' in 'src/vhdl' to regenerate:
from enum import IntEnum, unique
from pyTooling.Decorators import export
class Tok(IntEnum):
Invalid = 0
Eof = 1
Newline = 2
Block_Comment_Start = 3
Block_Comment_End = 4
Block_Comment_Text = 5
Line_Comment = 6
Character = 7
Identifier = 8
Integer = 9
Real = 10
String = 11
Bit_String = 12
Integer_Letter = 13
Left_Paren = 14
Right_Paren = 15
Left_Bracket = 16
Right_Bracket = 17
Colon = 18
Semi_Colon = 19
Comma = 20
Double_Arrow = 21
Tick = 22
Double_Star = 23
Assign = 24
Bar = 25
Box = 26
Dot = 27
Equal_Equal = 28
Equal = 29
Not_Equal = 30
Less = 31
Less_Equal = 32
Greater = 33
Greater_Equal = 34
Match_Equal = 35
Match_Not_Equal = 36
Match_Less = 37
Match_Less_Equal = 38
Match_Greater = 39
Match_Greater_Equal = 40
Plus = 41
Minus = 42
Ampersand = 43
Question_Mark = 44
Condition = 45
Double_Less = 46
Double_Greater = 47
Caret = 48
And_And = 49
Bar_Bar = 50
Left_Curly = 51
Right_Curly = 52
Exclam_Mark = 53
Brack_Star = 54
Brack_Plus_Brack = 55
Brack_Arrow = 56
Brack_Equal = 57
Bar_Arrow = 58
Bar_Double_Arrow = 59
Minus_Greater = 60
Equiv_Arrow = 61
Arobase = 62
Star = 63
Slash = 64
Mod = 65
Rem = 66
Abs = 67
Not = 68
Access = 69
After = 70
Alias = 71
All = 72
Architecture = 73
Array = 74
Assert = 75
Attribute = 76
Begin = 77
Block = 78
Body = 79
Buffer = 80
Bus = 81
Case = 82
Component = 83
Configuration = 84
Constant = 85
Disconnect = 86
Downto = 87
Else = 88
Elsif = 89
End = 90
Entity = 91
Exit = 92
File = 93
For = 94
Function = 95
Generate = 96
Generic = 97
Guarded = 98
If = 99
In = 100
Inout = 101
Is = 102
Label = 103
Library = 104
Linkage = 105
Loop = 106
Map = 107
New = 108
Next = 109
Null = 110
Of = 111
On = 112
Open = 113
Others = 114
Out = 115
Package = 116
Port = 117
Procedure = 118
Process = 119
Range = 120
Record = 121
Register = 122
Report = 123
Return = 124
Select = 125
Severity = 126
Signal = 127
Subtype = 128
Then = 129
To = 130
Transport = 131
Type = 132
Units = 133
Until = 134
Use = 135
Variable = 136
Wait = 137
When = 138
While = 139
With = 140
And = 141
Or = 142
Xor = 143
Nand = 144
Nor = 145
Xnor = 146
Group = 147
Impure = 148
Inertial = 149
Literal = 150
Postponed = 151
Pure = 152
Reject = 153
Shared = 154
Unaffected = 155
Sll = 156
Sla = 157
Sra = 158
Srl = 159
Rol = 160
Ror = 161
Protected = 162
Assume = 163
Context = 164
Cover = 165
Default = 166
Force = 167
Parameter = 168
Property = 169
Release = 170
Restrict = 171
Restrict_Guarantee = 172
Sequence = 173
Inherit = 174
Vmode = 175
Vprop = 176
Vunit = 177
Across = 178
Break = 179
Limit = 180
Nature = 181
Noise = 182
Procedural = 183
Quantity = 184
Reference = 185
Spectrum = 186
Subnature = 187
Terminal = 188
Through = 189
Tolerance = 190
Psl_Clock = 191
Psl_Endpoint = 192
Psl_Const = 193
Psl_Boolean = 194
Inf = 195
Within = 196
Abort = 197
Async_Abort = 198
Sync_Abort = 199
Before = 200
Before_Em = 201
Before_Un = 202
Before_Em_Un = 203
Always = 204
Never = 205
Eventually_Em = 206
Next_Em = 207
Next_A = 208
Next_A_Em = 209
Next_E = 210
Next_E_Em = 211
Next_Event = 212
Next_Event_Em = 213
Next_Event_A = 214
Next_Event_A_Em = 215
Next_Event_E = 216
Next_Event_E_Em = 217
Until_Em = 218
Until_Un = 219
Until_Em_Un = 220
Prev = 221
Stable = 222
Fell = 223
Rose = 224
Onehot = 225
Onehot0 = 226