Source code for pyGHDL.dom.Sequential

# =============================================================================
#               ____ _   _ ____  _          _
#  _ __  _   _ / ___| | | |  _ \| |      __| | ___  _ __ ___
# | '_ \| | | | |  _| |_| | | | | |     / _` |/ _ \| '_ ` _ \
# | |_) | |_| | |_| |  _  | |_| | |___ | (_| | (_) | | | | | |
# | .__/ \__, |\____|_| |_|____/|_____(_)__,_|\___/|_| |_| |_|
# |_|    |___/
# =============================================================================
# Authors:
#   Patrick Lehmann
# Package module:   DOM: Sequential statements.
# License:
# ============================================================================
#  Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Tristan Gingold
#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# ============================================================================
from typing import Iterable

from pyTooling.Decorators import export

from pyGHDL.dom.Concurrent import (
)  # TODO: move out from concurrent?
from pyGHDL.dom.Range import Range
from pyVHDLModel.SyntaxModel import (
    IfBranch as VHDLModel_IfBranch,
    ElsifBranch as VHDLModel_ElsifBranch,
    ElseBranch as VHDLModel_ElseBranch,
    IfStatement as VHDLModel_IfStatement,
    IndexedChoice as VHDLModel_IndexedChoice,
    RangedChoice as VHDLModel_RangedChoice,
    OthersCase as VHDLModel_OthersCase,
    Case as VHDLModel_Case,
    CaseStatement as VHDLModel_CaseStatement,
    ForLoopStatement as VHDLModel_ForLoopStatement,
    SequentialSimpleSignalAssignment as VHDLModel_SequentialSimpleSignalAssignment,
    SequentialProcedureCall as VHDLModel_SequentialProcedureCall,
    SequentialAssertStatement as VHDLModel_SequentialAssertStatement,
    SequentialReportStatement as VHDLModel_SequentialReportStatement,
    NullStatement as VHDLModel_NullStatement,
    WaitStatement as VHDLModel_WaitStatement,

from pyGHDL.libghdl import Iir, utils
from pyGHDL.libghdl.vhdl import nodes
from pyGHDL.dom import DOMMixin, Position, DOMException
from pyGHDL.dom._Utils import GetNameOfNode

[docs]@export class IfBranch(VHDLModel_IfBranch):
[docs] def __init__( self, branchNode: Iir, condition: ExpressionUnion, statements: Iterable[SequentialStatement] = None, ): super().__init__(condition, statements) DOMMixin.__init__(self, branchNode)
@classmethod def parse(cls, branchNode: Iir, label: str) -> "IfBranch": from pyGHDL.dom._Translate import ( GetSequentialStatementsFromChainedNodes, GetExpressionFromNode, ) condition = GetExpressionFromNode(nodes.Get_Condition(branchNode)) statementChain = nodes.Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain(branchNode) statements = GetSequentialStatementsFromChainedNodes(statementChain, "if branch", label) return cls(branchNode, condition, statements)
[docs]@export class ElsifBranch(VHDLModel_ElsifBranch):
[docs] def __init__( self, branchNode: Iir, condition: ExpressionUnion, statements: Iterable[SequentialStatement] = None, ): super().__init__(condition, statements) DOMMixin.__init__(self, branchNode)
@classmethod def parse(cls, branchNode: Iir, condition: Iir, label: str) -> "ElsifBranch": from pyGHDL.dom._Translate import ( GetSequentialStatementsFromChainedNodes, GetExpressionFromNode, ) condition = GetExpressionFromNode(condition) statementChain = nodes.Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain(branchNode) statements = GetSequentialStatementsFromChainedNodes(statementChain, "elsif branch", label) return cls(branchNode, condition, statements)
[docs]@export class ElseBranch(VHDLModel_ElseBranch):
[docs] def __init__( self, branchNode: Iir, statements: Iterable[SequentialStatement] = None, ): super().__init__(statements) DOMMixin.__init__(self, branchNode)
@classmethod def parse(cls, branchNode: Iir, label: str) -> "ElseBranch": from pyGHDL.dom._Translate import ( GetSequentialStatementsFromChainedNodes, ) statementChain = nodes.Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain(branchNode) statements = GetSequentialStatementsFromChainedNodes(statementChain, "else branch", label) return cls(branchNode, statements)
[docs]@export class IfStatement(VHDLModel_IfStatement, DOMMixin):
[docs] def __init__( self, ifNode: Iir, ifBranch: IfBranch, elsifBranches: Iterable[ElsifBranch] = None, elseBranch: ElseBranch = None, label: str = None, ): super().__init__(ifBranch, elsifBranches, elseBranch, label) DOMMixin.__init__(self, ifNode)
@classmethod def parse(cls, ifNode: Iir, label: str) -> "IfStatement": ifBranch = IfBranch.parse(ifNode, label) elsifBranches = [] elseBranch = None # WORKAROUND: Python 3.8 syntax # elseClause = generateNode # while (elseClause := nodes.Get_Generate_Else_Clause(elseClause)) != nodes.Null_Iir: elseClause = nodes.Get_Else_Clause(ifNode) while elseClause != nodes.Null_Iir: condition = nodes.Get_Condition(elseClause) if condition != nodes.Null_Iir: elsifBranches.append(ElsifBranch.parse(elseClause, condition, label)) else: elseBranch = ElseBranch.parse(elseClause, label) break elseClause = nodes.Get_Else_Clause(elseClause) return cls(ifNode, ifBranch, elsifBranches, elseBranch, label)
[docs]@export class IndexedChoice(VHDLModel_IndexedChoice, DOMMixin):
[docs] def __init__(self, node: Iir, expression: ExpressionUnion): super().__init__(expression) DOMMixin.__init__(self, node)
[docs]@export class RangedChoice(VHDLModel_RangedChoice, DOMMixin):
[docs] def __init__(self, node: Iir, rng: Range): super().__init__(rng) DOMMixin.__init__(self, node)
[docs]@export class Case(VHDLModel_Case, DOMMixin):
[docs] def __init__( self, node: Iir, choices: Iterable[SequentialChoice], statements: Iterable[SequentialStatement] = None, ): super().__init__(choices, statements) DOMMixin.__init__(self, node)
@classmethod def parse(cls, caseNode: Iir, choices: Iterable[SequentialChoice], label: str) -> "Case": from pyGHDL.dom._Translate import GetSequentialStatementsFromChainedNodes statementChain = nodes.Get_Associated_Chain(caseNode) statements = GetSequentialStatementsFromChainedNodes(statementChain, "case", label) return cls(caseNode, choices, statements)
[docs]@export class OthersCase(VHDLModel_OthersCase, DOMMixin):
[docs] def __init__( self, caseNode: Iir, statements: Iterable[SequentialStatement] = None, ): super().__init__(statements) DOMMixin.__init__(self, caseNode)
@classmethod def parse(cls, caseNode: Iir, label: str = None) -> "OthersCase": from pyGHDL.dom._Translate import GetSequentialStatementsFromChainedNodes body = nodes.Get_Associated_Block(caseNode) if body is nodes.Null_Iir: return cls(caseNode) statementChain = nodes.Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain(body) statements = GetSequentialStatementsFromChainedNodes(statementChain, "case others", label) return cls(caseNode, statements)
[docs]@export class CaseStatement(VHDLModel_CaseStatement, DOMMixin):
[docs] def __init__( self, caseNode: Iir, label: str, expression: ExpressionUnion, cases: Iterable[SequentialCase], ): super().__init__(expression, cases, label) DOMMixin.__init__(self, caseNode)
@classmethod def parse(cls, caseNode: Iir, label: str) -> "CaseStatement": from pyGHDL.dom._Utils import GetIirKindOfNode from pyGHDL.dom._Translate import ( GetExpressionFromNode, GetRangeFromNode, GetNameFromNode, ) expression = GetExpressionFromNode(nodes.Get_Expression(caseNode)) cases = [] choices = None alternative = nodes.Get_Case_Statement_Alternative_Chain(caseNode) cNode = alternative while alternative != nodes.Null_Iir: choiceKind = GetIirKindOfNode(alternative) sameAlternative = nodes.Get_Same_Alternative_Flag(alternative) if choiceKind in ( nodes.Iir_Kind.Choice_By_Name, nodes.Iir_Kind.Choice_By_Expression, ): choiceExpression = GetExpressionFromNode(nodes.Get_Choice_Expression(alternative)) choice = IndexedChoice(alternative, choiceExpression) if sameAlternative: choices.append(choice) alternative = nodes.Get_Chain(alternative) continue elif choiceKind is nodes.Iir_Kind.Choice_By_Range: choiceRange = nodes.Get_Choice_Range(alternative) choiceRangeKind = GetIirKindOfNode(choiceRange) if choiceRangeKind == nodes.Iir_Kind.Range_Expression: rng = GetRangeFromNode(choiceRange) elif choiceRangeKind in ( nodes.Iir_Kind.Attribute_Name, nodes.Iir_Kind.Parenthesis_Name, ): rng = GetNameFromNode(choiceRange) else: pos = Position.parse(alternative) raise DOMException( f"Unknown choice range kind '{}' in case statement at line {pos.Line}." ) choice = RangedChoice(alternative, rng) if sameAlternative: choices.append(choice) alternative = nodes.Get_Chain(alternative) continue elif choiceKind is nodes.Iir_Kind.Choice_By_Others: if choices is not None: cases.append(Case.parse(alternative, choices, label)) choices = None cases.append(OthersCase.parse(alternative, label)) alternative = nodes.Get_Chain(alternative) cNode = alternative continue else: pos = Position.parse(alternative) raise DOMException(f"Unknown choice kind '{}' in case statement at line {pos.Line}.") if choices is not None: cases.append(Case.parse(cNode, choices, label)) cNode = alternative choices = [ choice, ] alternative = nodes.Get_Chain(alternative) if choices is not None: cases.append(Case.parse(cNode, choices, label)) return cls(caseNode, label, expression, cases)
[docs]@export class ForLoopStatement(VHDLModel_ForLoopStatement, DOMMixin):
[docs] def __init__( self, loopNode: Iir, loopIndex: str, rng: Range, statements: Iterable[SequentialStatement] = None, label: str = None, ): super().__init__(loopIndex, rng, statements, label) DOMMixin.__init__(self, loopNode)
@classmethod def parse(cls, loopNode: Iir, label: str) -> "ForLoopStatement": from pyGHDL.dom._Utils import GetIirKindOfNode from pyGHDL.dom._Translate import ( GetSequentialStatementsFromChainedNodes, GetRangeFromNode, GetNameFromNode, ) spec = nodes.Get_Parameter_Specification(loopNode) loopIndex = GetNameOfNode(spec) discreteRange = nodes.Get_Discrete_Range(spec) rangeKind = GetIirKindOfNode(discreteRange) if rangeKind == nodes.Iir_Kind.Range_Expression: rng = GetRangeFromNode(discreteRange) elif rangeKind in ( nodes.Iir_Kind.Attribute_Name, nodes.Iir_Kind.Parenthesis_Name, ): rng = GetNameFromNode(discreteRange) else: pos = Position.parse(loopNode) raise DOMException( f"Unknown discrete range kind '{}' in for...loop statement at line {pos.Line}." ) statementChain = nodes.Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain(loopNode) statements = GetSequentialStatementsFromChainedNodes(statementChain, "for", label) return cls(loopNode, loopIndex, rng, statements, label)
[docs]@export class SequentialSimpleSignalAssignment(VHDLModel_SequentialSimpleSignalAssignment, DOMMixin):
[docs] def __init__( self, assignmentNode: Iir, target: Name, waveform: Iterable[WaveformElement], label: str = None, ): super().__init__(target, waveform, label) DOMMixin.__init__(self, assignmentNode)
@classmethod def parse(cls, assignmentNode: Iir, label: str = None) -> "SequentialSimpleSignalAssignment": from pyGHDL.dom._Translate import GetNameFromNode target = nodes.Get_Target(assignmentNode) targetName = GetNameFromNode(target) waveform = [] for wave in utils.chain_iter(nodes.Get_Waveform_Chain(assignmentNode)): waveform.append(WaveformElement.parse(wave)) return cls(assignmentNode, targetName, waveform, label)
[docs]@export class SequentialProcedureCall(VHDLModel_SequentialProcedureCall, DOMMixin):
[docs] def __init__( self, callNode: Iir, procedureName: Name, parameterMappings: Iterable[ParameterAssociationItem], label: str = None, ): super().__init__(procedureName, parameterMappings, label) DOMMixin.__init__(self, callNode)
@classmethod def parse(cls, callNode: Iir, label: str) -> "SequentialProcedureCall": from pyGHDL.dom._Translate import GetNameFromNode, GetParameterMapAspect cNode = nodes.Get_Procedure_Call(callNode) prefix = nodes.Get_Prefix(cNode) procedureName = GetNameFromNode(prefix) parameterAssociations = GetParameterMapAspect(nodes.Get_Parameter_Association_Chain(cNode)) return cls(callNode, procedureName, parameterAssociations, label)
[docs]@export class SequentialAssertStatement(VHDLModel_SequentialAssertStatement, DOMMixin):
[docs] def __init__( self, assertNode: Iir, condition: ExpressionUnion, message: ExpressionUnion = None, severity: ExpressionUnion = None, label: str = None, ): super().__init__(condition, message, severity, label) DOMMixin.__init__(self, assertNode)
@classmethod def parse(cls, assertNode: Iir, label: str) -> "SequentialAssertStatement": from pyGHDL.dom._Translate import GetExpressionFromNode condition = GetExpressionFromNode(nodes.Get_Assertion_Condition(assertNode)) messageNode = nodes.Get_Report_Expression(assertNode) message = None if messageNode is nodes.Null_Iir else GetExpressionFromNode(messageNode) severityNode = nodes.Get_Severity_Expression(assertNode) severity = None if severityNode is nodes.Null_Iir else GetExpressionFromNode(severityNode) return cls(assertNode, condition, message, severity, label)
[docs]@export class SequentialReportStatement(VHDLModel_SequentialReportStatement, DOMMixin):
[docs] def __init__( self, reportNode: Iir, message: ExpressionUnion, severity: ExpressionUnion = None, label: str = None, ): super().__init__(message, severity, label) DOMMixin.__init__(self, reportNode)
@classmethod def parse(cls, reportNode: Iir, label: str) -> "SequentialReportStatement": from pyGHDL.dom._Translate import GetExpressionFromNode message = GetExpressionFromNode(nodes.Get_Report_Expression(reportNode)) severityNode = nodes.Get_Severity_Expression(reportNode) severity = None if severityNode is nodes.Null_Iir else GetExpressionFromNode(severityNode) return cls(reportNode, message, severity, label)
[docs]@export class NullStatement(VHDLModel_NullStatement, DOMMixin):
[docs] def __init__( self, waitNode: Iir, label: str = None, ): super().__init__(label) DOMMixin.__init__(self, waitNode)
[docs]@export class WaitStatement(VHDLModel_WaitStatement, DOMMixin):
[docs] def __init__( self, waitNode: Iir, sensitivityList: Iterable[Name] = None, condition: ExpressionUnion = None, timeout: ExpressionUnion = None, label: str = None, ): super().__init__(sensitivityList, condition, timeout, label) DOMMixin.__init__(self, waitNode)
@classmethod def parse(cls, waitNode: Iir, label: str) -> "WaitStatement": from pyGHDL.dom._Utils import GetIirKindOfNode from pyGHDL.dom._Translate import GetExpressionFromNode sensitivityList = None sensitivityListNode = nodes.Get_Sensitivity_List(waitNode) if sensitivityListNode is not nodes.Null_Iir: print(GetIirKindOfNode(sensitivityListNode)) conditionNode = nodes.Get_Condition_Clause(waitNode) condition = None if conditionNode is nodes.Null_Iir else GetExpressionFromNode(conditionNode) timeoutNode = nodes.Get_Timeout_Clause(waitNode) timeout = None if timeoutNode is nodes.Null_Iir else GetExpressionFromNode(timeoutNode) return cls(waitNode, sensitivityList, condition, timeout, label)