Source code for pyVHDLModel.SyntaxModel

# ==================================================================================================================== #
#             __     ___   _ ____  _     __  __           _      _                                                     #
#   _ __  _   \ \   / / | | |  _ \| |   |  \/  | ___   __| | ___| |                                                    #
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#  | |_) | |_| |\ V / |  _  | |_| | |___| |  | | (_) | (_| |  __/ |                                                    #
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#  |_|    |___/                                                                                                        #
# ==================================================================================================================== #
# Authors:                                                                                                             #
#   Patrick Lehmann                                                                                                    #
#                                                                                                                      #
# License:                                                                                                             #
# ==================================================================================================================== #
# Copyright 2017-2022 Patrick Lehmann - Boetzingen, Germany                                                            #
# Copyright 2016-2017 Patrick Lehmann - Dresden, Germany                                                               #
#                                                                                                                      #
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");                                                      #
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.                                                     #
# You may obtain a copy of the License at                                                                              #
#                                                                                                                      #
#                                                                         #
#                                                                                                                      #
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software                                                  #
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,                                                    #
# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.                                             #
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and                                                  #
# limitations under the License.                                                                                       #
#                                                                                                                      #
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0                                                                                  #
# ==================================================================================================================== #
This module contains an abstract document language model for VHDL.

:copyright: Copyright 2007-2022 Patrick Lehmann - Bötzingen, Germany
:license: Apache License, Version 2.0
from pathlib              import Path
from typing               import List, Tuple, Union, Dict, Iterator, Optional as Nullable, Iterable, Generator

from pyTooling.Decorators import export

from pyVHDLModel          import ModelEntity, NamedEntityMixin, MultipleNamedEntityMixin, LabeledEntityMixin, PossibleReference, Direction, EntityClass, Mode, \
	DocumentedEntityMixin, DesignUnit, LibraryClause, UseClause, Name, Symbol
from pyVHDLModel          import PrimaryUnit, SecondaryUnit
from pyVHDLModel          import ExpressionUnion, ConstraintUnion, ContextUnion, SubtypeOrSymbol, DesignUnitWithContextMixin, PackageOrSymbol
from pyVHDLModel.PSLModel import VerificationUnit, VerificationProperty, VerificationMode

	from typing import Protocol
except ImportError:
	class Protocol:

class SimpleName(Name):
[docs] def __str__(self): return self._identifier
@export class ParenthesisName(Name): _associations: List def __init__(self, prefix: Name, associations: Iterable): super().__init__("", prefix) self._associations = [a for a in associations] @property def Associations(self) -> List: return self._associations
[docs] def __str__(self): return str(self._prefix) + "(" + ", ".join([str(a) for a in self._associations]) + ")"
@export class IndexedName(Name): _indices: List[ExpressionUnion] @property def Indices(self) -> List[ExpressionUnion]: return self._indices @export class SlicedName(Name): pass @export class SelectedName(Name): def __init__(self, identifier: str, prefix: Name): super().__init__(identifier, prefix)
[docs] def __str__(self): return str(self._prefix) + "." + self._identifier
@export class AttributeName(Name): def __init__(self, identifier: str, prefix: Name): super().__init__(identifier, prefix)
[docs] def __str__(self): return str(self._prefix) + "'" + self._identifier
@export class AllName(Name): def __init__(self, prefix: Name): super().__init__("all", prefix)
[docs] def __str__(self): return str(self._prefix) + "." + "all"
@export class OpenName(Name): def __init__(self): super().__init__("open")
[docs] def __str__(self): return "open"
@export class LibraryReferenceSymbol(Symbol): """A library reference in a library clause.""" def __init__(self, libraryName: SimpleName): if not isinstance(libraryName, SimpleName): raise TypeError(f"Parameter 'libraryName' is not of type 'SimpleName'.") super().__init__(libraryName, PossibleReference.Library) @property def Library(self) -> 'Library': return self._reference @Library.setter def Library(self, value: 'Library') -> None: self._reference = value @export class PackageReferenceSymbol(Symbol): """A package reference in a use clause.""" def __init__(self, packageName: SelectedName): if not isinstance(packageName, (SelectedName, AllName)): raise TypeError(f"Parameter 'packageName' is not of type 'SelectedName' or 'AllName'.") super().__init__(packageName, PossibleReference.Package) @property def Library(self) -> 'Library': return self._reference @Library.setter def Library(self, value: 'Library') -> None: self._reference = value @property def Package(self) -> 'Package': return self._reference @Package.setter def Package(self, value: 'Package') -> None: self._reference = value @export class ContextReferenceSymbol(Symbol): """A context reference in a use clause.""" def __init__(self, contextName: SelectedName): if not isinstance(contextName, SelectedName): raise TypeError(f"Parameter 'contextName' is not of type 'SelectedName'.") super().__init__(contextName, PossibleReference.Context) @property def Library(self) -> 'Library': return self._reference @Library.setter def Library(self, value: 'Library') -> None: self._reference = value @property def Context(self) -> 'Context': return self._reference @Context.setter def Context(self, value: 'Context') -> None: self._reference = value @export class EntitySymbol(Symbol): """An entity reference in an architecture declaration.""" def __init__(self, entityName: SimpleName): if not isinstance(entityName, SimpleName): raise TypeError(f"Parameter 'entityName' is not of type 'SimpleName'.") super().__init__(entityName, PossibleReference.Entity) @property def Entity(self) -> 'Entity': return self._reference @Entity.setter def Entity(self, value: 'Entity') -> None: self._reference = value @export class ArchitectureSymbol(Symbol): def __init__(self, architectureName: SimpleName): if not isinstance(architectureName, SimpleName): raise TypeError(f"Parameter 'architectureName' is not of type 'SimpleName'.") super().__init__(architectureName, PossibleReference.Architecture) @property def Architecture(self) -> 'Architecture': return self._reference @Architecture.setter def Architecture(self, value: 'Architecture') -> None: self._reference = value @export class PackageSymbol(Symbol): def __init__(self, packageName: SimpleName): if not isinstance(packageName, SimpleName): raise TypeError(f"Parameter 'packageName' is not of type 'SimpleName'.") super().__init__(packageName, PossibleReference.Package) @property def Package(self) -> 'Package': return self._reference @Package.setter def Package(self, value: 'Package') -> None: self._reference = value @export class ComponentSymbol(Symbol): def __init__(self, symbolName: Name): super().__init__(symbolName, PossibleReference.Component) @property def Component(self) -> 'Component': return self._reference @Component.setter def Component(self, value: 'Component') -> None: self._reference = value @export class ConfigurationSymbol(Symbol): def __init__(self, symbolName: Name): super().__init__(symbolName, PossibleReference.Configuration) @property def Configuration(self) -> 'Configuration': return self._reference @Configuration.setter def Configuration(self, value: 'Configuration') -> None: self._reference = value @export class ContextSymbol(Symbol): def __init__(self, symbolName: Name): super().__init__(symbolName, PossibleReference.Context) @property def Context(self) -> 'Context': return self._reference @Context.setter def Context(self, value: 'Context') -> None: self._reference = value @export class SubtypeSymbol(Symbol): def __init__(self, symbolName: Name, possibleReferences: PossibleReference): super().__init__(symbolName, PossibleReference.Subtype + PossibleReference.TypeAttribute + possibleReferences) @property def Subtype(self) -> 'Subtype': return self._reference @Subtype.setter def Subtype(self, value: 'Subtype') -> None: self._reference = value @export class SimpleSubtypeSymbol(SubtypeSymbol): def __init__(self, subtypeName: Name): super().__init__(subtypeName, PossibleReference.ScalarType) @export class ConstrainedScalarSubtypeSymbol(SubtypeSymbol): _range: 'Range' def __init__(self, subtypeName: Name, rng: 'Range' = None): super().__init__(subtypeName, PossibleReference.ArrayType) self._range = rng @property def Range(self) -> 'Range': return self._range @export class ConstrainedCompositeSubtypeSymbol(SubtypeSymbol): _constraints: List[ConstraintUnion] def __init__(self, subtypeName: Name, constraints: Iterable[ConstraintUnion] = None): super().__init__(subtypeName, PossibleReference.Unknown) self._subtype = None self._constraints = [c for c in constraints] @property def Constraints(self) -> List[ConstraintUnion]: return self._constraints @export class ObjectSymbol(Symbol): pass @export class SimpleObjectOrFunctionCallSymbol(ObjectSymbol):
[docs] def __init__(self, objectName: Name): super().__init__(objectName, PossibleReference.Constant + PossibleReference.Variable + PossibleReference.Signal + PossibleReference.ScalarType + PossibleReference.Function + PossibleReference.EnumLiteral)
@property def ObjectOrFunction(self) -> Union['Constant', 'Signal', 'Variable', 'Function', 'EnumerationLiteral']: return self._reference @ObjectOrFunction.setter def ObjectOrFunction(self, value: Union['Constant', 'Signal', 'Variable', 'Function', 'EnumerationLiteral']): self._reference = value @export class IndexedObjectOrFunctionCallSymbol(ObjectSymbol): def __init__(self, objectName: Name): super().__init__(objectName, PossibleReference.Constant + PossibleReference.Variable + PossibleReference.Signal + PossibleReference.ArrayType + PossibleReference.Function) @property def ObjectOrFunction(self) -> Union['Constant', 'Signal', 'Variable', 'Function']: return self._reference @ObjectOrFunction.setter def ObjectOrFunction(self, value: Union['Constant', 'Signal', 'Variable', 'Function']): self._reference = value @export class ConstantSymbol(ObjectSymbol): def __init__(self, symbolName: Name): super().__init__(symbolName, PossibleReference.Constant) @property def Constant(self) -> 'Constant': return self._reference @Constant.setter def Constant(self, value: 'Constant') -> None: self._reference = value @export class VariableSymbol(ObjectSymbol): def __init__(self, symbolName: Name): super().__init__(symbolName, PossibleReference.Constant) @property def Variable(self) -> 'Variable': return self._reference @Variable.setter def Variable(self, value: 'Variable') -> None: self._reference = value @export class SignalSymbol(ObjectSymbol): def __init__(self, symbolName: Name): super().__init__(symbolName, PossibleReference.Signal) @property def Signal(self) -> 'Signal': return self._reference @Signal.setter def Signal(self, value: 'Signal') -> None: self._reference = value @export class Design(ModelEntity): """ A ``Design`` represents all loaded files (see :class:`~pyVHDLModel.SyntaxModel.Document`) and analysed. It's the root of this document-object-model (DOM). It contains at least on VHDL library (see :class:`~pyVHDLModel.SyntaxModel.Library`). """ _libraries: Dict[str, 'Library'] #: List of all libraries defined for a design. _documents: List['Document'] #: List of all documents loaded for a design. def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._libraries = {} self._documents = [] @property def Libraries(self) -> Dict[str, 'Library']: """Returns a list of all libraries specified for this design.""" return self._libraries @property def Documents(self) -> List['Document']: """Returns a list of all documents (files) loaded for this design.""" return self._documents def _LoadLibrary(self, library): identifier = library.Identifier.lower() if identifier in self._libraries: raise Exception(f"Library '{library.Identifier}' already exists in design.") self._libraries[identifier] = library library._parent = self def LoadStdLibrary(self): from pyVHDLModel.std import Std library = Std() self._LoadLibrary(library) def LoadIEEELibrary(self): from import Ieee library = Ieee() self._LoadLibrary(library) def GetLibrary(self, libraryName: str) -> 'Library': try: return self._libraries[libraryName] except KeyError: lib = Library(libraryName) self._libraries[libraryName.lower()] = lib lib._parent = self return lib def AddDocument(self, document: 'Document', library: 'Library') -> None: self._documents.append(document) document._parent = self for entityName, entity in document._entities.items(): if entityName in library._entities: raise ValueError(f"Entity '{entityName}' already exists in library '{library.Identifier}'.") library._entities[entityName] = entity entity.Library = library for entityName, architectures in document._architectures.items(): try: architecturesPerEntity = library._architectures[entityName] for architectureName, architecture in document._architectures.items(): if architectureName in architecturesPerEntity: raise ValueError(f"Architecture '{architectureName}' for entity '{entityName}' already exists in library '{library.Identifier}'.") architecturesPerEntity[architectureName] = architecture architecture.Library = library except KeyError: architecturesPerEntity = document._architectures[entityName].copy() library._architectures[entityName] = architecturesPerEntity for architecture in architecturesPerEntity.values(): architecture.Library = library for packageName, package in document._packages.items(): if packageName in library._packages: raise ValueError(f"Package '{packageName}' already exists in library '{library.Identifier}'.") library._packages[packageName] = package package.Library = library for packageBodyName, packageBody in document._packageBodies.items(): if packageBodyName in library._packageBodies: raise ValueError(f"Package body '{packageBodyName}' already exists in library '{library.Identifier}'.") library._packageBodies[packageBodyName] = packageBody packageBody.Library = library for configurationName, configuration in document._configurations.items(): if configurationName in library._configurations: raise ValueError(f"Configuration '{configurationName}' already exists in library '{library.Identifier}'.") library._configurations[configurationName] = configuration configuration.Library = library for contextName, context in document._contexts.items(): if contextName in library._contexts: raise ValueError(f"Context '{contextName}' already exists in library '{library.Identifier}'.") library._contexts[contextName] = context context.Library = library def IterateDesignUnits(self) -> Generator[DesignUnit, None, None]: for library in self._libraries.values(): yield from library.IterateDesignUnits() def Analyze(self): self.LinkLibraryReferences() self.LinkPackageReferences() self.LinkContextReferences() self.LinkArchitectures() self.LinkPackageBodies() def LinkLibraryReferences(self): for designUnit in self.IterateDesignUnits(): for libraryReference in designUnit.LibraryReferences: for symbol in libraryReference.Symbols: try: libraryName = symbol.SymbolName.Identifier lib = self._libraries[libraryName.lower()] symbol.Library = lib except KeyError: raise Exception(f"Library '{libraryName}' referenced by library clause of design unit '{designUnit.Identifier}' doesn't exist in design.") def LinkPackageReferences(self): pass def LinkContextReferences(self): pass def LinkArchitectures(self): for library in self._libraries.values(): library.LinkArchitectures() def LinkPackageBodies(self): for library in self._libraries.values(): library.LinkPackageBodies() @export class Library(ModelEntity, NamedEntityMixin): """A ``Library`` represents a VHDL library. It contains all *primary* design units.""" _contexts: Dict[str, 'Context'] #: Dictionary of all contexts defined in a library. _configurations: Dict[str, 'Configuration'] #: Dictionary of all configurations defined in a library. _entities: Dict[str, 'Entity'] #: Dictionary of all entities defined in a library. _architectures: Dict[str, Dict[str, 'Architecture']] #: Dictionary of all architectures defined in a library. _packages: Dict[str, 'Package'] #: Dictionary of all packages defined in a library. _packageBodies: Dict[str, 'PackageBody'] #: Dictionary of all package bodies defined in a library.
[docs] def __init__(self, identifier: str): super().__init__() NamedEntityMixin.__init__(self, identifier) self._contexts = {} self._configurations = {} self._entities = {} self._architectures = {} self._packages = {} self._packageBodies = {}
@property def Contexts(self) -> Dict[str, 'Context']: """Returns a list of all context declarations declared in this library.""" return self._contexts @property def Configurations(self) -> Dict[str, 'Configuration']: """Returns a list of all configuration declarations declared in this library.""" return self._configurations @property def Entities(self) -> Dict[str, 'Entity']: """Returns a list of all entity declarations declared in this library.""" return self._entities @property def Architectures(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, 'Architecture']]: """Returns a list of all architectures declarations declared in this library.""" return self._architectures @property def Packages(self) -> Dict[str, 'Package']: """Returns a list of all package declarations declared in this library.""" return self._packages @property def PackageBodies(self) -> Dict[str, 'PackageBody']: """Returns a list of all package body declarations declared in this library.""" return self._packageBodies def IterateDesignUnits(self) -> Generator[DesignUnit, None, None]: for entity in self._entities.values(): yield entity for architectures in self._architectures.values(): for architecture in architectures.values(): yield architecture for package in self._packages.values(): yield package for packageBody in self._packageBodies.values(): yield packageBody for configuration in self._configurations.values(): yield configuration for context in self._contexts.values(): yield context # for verificationProperty in self._verificationUnits.values(): # yield verificationProperty # for verificationUnit in self._verificationProperties.values(): # yield entity # for verificationMode in self._verificationModes.values(): # yield verificationMode def LinkArchitectures(self): for entityName, architecturesPerEntity in self._architectures.items(): if entityName not in self._entities: architectureNames = "', '".join(architecturesPerEntity.keys()) raise Exception(f"Entity '{entityName}' referenced by architecture(s) '{architectureNames}' doesn't exist in library '{self.Identifier}'.") for architecture in architecturesPerEntity.values(): # entitySymbolName = architecture.Entity.SymbolName # if entitySymbolName.Identifier != entityName: # raise Exception(f"Internal error. Dictionary key doesn't match objects name/identifier.") entity = self._entities[entityName] # if entity.Identifier != entityName: # raise Exception(f"Internal error. Dictionary key doesn't match objects name/identifier.") architecture.Entity.Entity = entity def LinkPackageBodies(self): for packageBodyName, packageBody in self._packageBodies.items(): if packageBodyName not in self._packages: raise Exception(f"Package '{packageBodyName}' referenced by package body '{packageBodyName}' doesn't exist in library '{self.Identifier}'.") package = self._packages[packageBodyName] packageBody.Package.Package = package @export class Document(ModelEntity, DocumentedEntityMixin): """A ``Document`` represents a sourcefile. It contains primary and secondary design units.""" _path: Path #: path to the document. ``None`` if virtual document. _designUnits: List['DesignUnit'] #: List of all design units defined in a document. _contexts: Dict[str, 'Context'] #: Dictionary of all contexts defined in a document. _configurations: Dict[str, 'Configuration'] #: Dictionary of all configurations defined in a document. _entities: Dict[str, 'Entity'] #: Dictionary of all entities defined in a document. _architectures: Dict[str, Dict[str, 'Architecture']] #: Dictionary of all architectures defined in a document. _packages: Dict[str, 'Package'] #: Dictionary of all packages defined in a document. _packageBodies: Dict[str, 'PackageBody'] #: Dictionary of all package bodies defined in a document. _verificationUnits: Dict[str, 'VerificationUnit'] #: Dictionary of all PSL verification units defined in a document. _verificationProperties: Dict[str, 'VerificationProperty'] #: Dictionary of all PSL verification properties defined in a document. _verificationModes: Dict[str, 'VerificationMode'] #: Dictionary of all PSL verification modes defined in a document. def __init__(self, path: Path, documentation: str = None): super().__init__() DocumentedEntityMixin.__init__(self, documentation) self._path = path self._designUnits = [] self._contexts = {} self._configurations = {} self._entities = {} self._architectures = {} self._packages = {} self._packageBodies = {} self._verificationUnits = {} self._verificationProperties = {} self._verificationModes = {} def _AddEntity(self, item: 'Entity'): if not isinstance(item, Entity): raise TypeError(f"Parameter 'item' is not of type 'Entity'.") identifier = item.Identifier.lower() if identifier in self._entities: raise ValueError(f"An entity '{item.Identifier}' already exists in this document.") self._entities[identifier] = item self._designUnits.append(item) item.Document = self def _AddArchitecture(self, item: 'Architecture'): if not isinstance(item, Architecture): raise TypeError(f"Parameter 'item' is not of type 'Architecture'.") entityName = item.Entity.SymbolName.Identifier identifier = entityName.lower() try: architectures = self._architectures[identifier] if item.Identifier in architectures: raise ValueError(f"An architecture '{item.Identifier}' for entity '{entityName}' already exists in this document.") architectures[item.Identifier] = item except KeyError: self._architectures[identifier] = {item.Identifier: item} self._designUnits.append(item) item.Document = self def _AddPackage(self, item: 'Package'): if not isinstance(item, (Package, PackageInstantiation)): raise TypeError(f"Parameter 'item' is not of type 'Package' or 'PackageInstantiation'.") identifier = item.Identifier.lower() if identifier in self._packages: raise ValueError(f"A package '{item.Identifier}' already exists in this document.") self._packages[identifier] = item self._designUnits.append(item) item.Document = self def _AddPackageBody(self, item: 'PackageBody'): if not isinstance(item, PackageBody): raise TypeError(f"Parameter 'item' is not of type 'PackageBody'.") identifier = item.Identifier.lower() if identifier in self._packageBodies: raise ValueError(f"A package body '{item.Identifier}' already exists in this document.") self._packageBodies[identifier] = item self._designUnits.append(item) item.Document = self def _AddContext(self, item: 'Context'): if not isinstance(item, Context): raise TypeError(f"Parameter 'item' is not of type 'Context'.") identifier = item.Identifier.lower() if identifier in self._contexts: raise ValueError(f"A context '{item.Identifier}' already exists in this document.") self._contexts[identifier] = item self._designUnits.append(item) item.Document = self def _AddConfiguration(self, item: 'Configuration'): if not isinstance(item, Configuration): raise TypeError(f"Parameter 'item' is not of type 'Configuration'.") identifier = item.Identifier.lower() if identifier in self._configurations: raise ValueError(f"A configuration '{item.Identifier}' already exists in this document.") self._configurations[identifier] = item self._designUnits.append(item) item.Document = self def _AddVerificationUnit(self, item: VerificationUnit): if not isinstance(item, VerificationUnit): raise TypeError(f"Parameter 'item' is not of type 'VerificationUnit'.") identifier = item.Identifier.lower() if identifier in self._verificationUnits: raise ValueError(f"A verification unit '{item.Identifier}' already exists in this document.") self._verificationUnits[identifier] = item self._designUnits.append(item) item.Document = self def _AddVerificationProperty(self, item: VerificationProperty): if not isinstance(item, VerificationProperty): raise TypeError(f"Parameter 'item' is not of type 'VerificationProperty'.") identifier = item.Identifier.lower() if identifier in self._verificationProperties: raise ValueError(f"A verification property '{item.Identifier}' already exists in this document.") self._verificationProperties[identifier] = item self._designUnits.append(item) item.Document = self def _AddVerificationMode(self, item: VerificationMode): if not isinstance(item, VerificationMode): raise TypeError(f"Parameter 'item' is not of type 'VerificationMode'.") identifier = item.Identifier.lower() if identifier in self._verificationModes: raise ValueError(f"A verification mode '{item.Identifier}' already exists in this document.") self._verificationModes[identifier] = item self._designUnits.append(item) item.Document = self def _AddDesignUnit(self, item: DesignUnit): identifier = item.Identifier.lower() if isinstance(item, Entity): self._entities[identifier] = item elif isinstance(item, Architecture): entityName = item.Entity.SymbolName.Identifier entityIdentifier = entityName.lower() try: architectures = self._architectures[entityIdentifier] if identifier in architectures: raise ValueError(f"An architecture '{item.Identifier}' for entity '{entityName}' already exists in this document.") architectures[identifier] = item except KeyError: self._architectures[entityIdentifier] = {identifier: item} elif isinstance(item, Package): self._packages[identifier] = item elif isinstance(item, PackageBody): self._packageBodies[identifier] = item elif isinstance(item, Context): self._contexts[identifier] = item elif isinstance(item, Configuration): self._configurations[identifier] = item elif isinstance(item, VerificationUnit): self._verificationUnits[identifier] = item elif isinstance(item, VerificationProperty): self._verificationProperties[identifier] = item elif isinstance(item, VerificationMode): self._verificationModes[identifier] = item elif isinstance(item, DesignUnit): raise TypeError(f"Parameter 'item' is an unknown 'DesignUnit'.") else: raise TypeError(f"Parameter 'item' is not of type 'DesignUnit'.") self._designUnits.append(item) item.Document = self @property def Path(self) -> Path: return self._path @property def DesignUnits(self) -> List['DesignUnit']: """Returns a list of all design units declarations found in this document.""" return self._designUnits @property def Contexts(self) -> Dict[str, 'Context']: """Returns a list of all context declarations found in this document.""" return self._contexts @property def Configurations(self) -> Dict[str, 'Configuration']: """Returns a list of all configuration declarations found in this document.""" return self._configurations @property def Entities(self) -> Dict[str, 'Entity']: """Returns a list of all entity declarations found in this document.""" return self._entities @property def Architectures(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, 'Architecture']]: """Returns a list of all architecture declarations found in this document.""" return self._architectures @property def Packages(self) -> Dict[str, 'Package']: """Returns a list of all package declarations found in this document.""" return self._packages @property def PackageBodies(self) -> Dict[str, 'PackageBody']: """Returns a list of all package body declarations found in this document.""" return self._packageBodies @property def VerificationUnits(self) -> Dict[str, 'VerificationUnit']: """Returns a list of all verification unit declarations found in this document.""" return self._verificationUnits @property def VerificationProperties(self) -> Dict[str, 'VerificationProperty']: """Returns a list of all verification property declarations found in this document.""" return self._verificationProperties @property def VerificationModes(self) -> Dict[str, 'VerificationMode']: """Returns a list of all verification mode declarations found in this document.""" return self._verificationModes @export class Alias(ModelEntity, NamedEntityMixin, DocumentedEntityMixin): def __init__(self, identifier: str, documentation: str = None): """ Initializes underlying ``BaseType``. :param identifier: Name of the type. """ super().__init__() NamedEntityMixin.__init__(self, identifier) DocumentedEntityMixin.__init__(self, documentation) @export class BaseType(ModelEntity, NamedEntityMixin, DocumentedEntityMixin): """``BaseType`` is the base-class of all type entities in this model.""" def __init__(self, identifier: str, documentation: str = None): """ Initializes underlying ``BaseType``. :param identifier: Name of the type. """ super().__init__() NamedEntityMixin.__init__(self, identifier) DocumentedEntityMixin.__init__(self, documentation) @export class Type(BaseType): pass @export class FullType(BaseType): pass @export class Subtype(BaseType): _type: 'Subtype' _baseType: BaseType _range: 'Range' _resolutionFunction: 'Function' def __init__(self, identifier: str): super().__init__(identifier) @property def Type(self) -> 'Subtype': return self._type @property def BaseType(self) -> BaseType: return self._baseType @property def Range(self) -> 'Range': return self._range @property def ResolutionFunction(self) -> 'Function': return self._resolutionFunction @export class AnonymousType(Type): pass @export class ScalarType(FullType): """A ``ScalarType`` is a base-class for all scalar types.""" @export class RangedScalarType(ScalarType): """A ``RangedScalarType`` is a base-class for all scalar types with a range.""" _range: Union['Range', Name] _leftBound: ExpressionUnion _rightBound: ExpressionUnion def __init__(self, identifier: str, rng: Union['Range', Name]): super().__init__(identifier) self._range = rng @property def Range(self) -> Union['Range', Name]: return self._range @export class NumericType: """A ``NumericType`` is a mixin class for all numeric types.""" def __init__(self): pass @export class DiscreteType: """A ``DiscreteType`` is a mixin class for all discrete types.""" def __init__(self): pass @export class CompositeType(FullType): """A ``CompositeType`` is a base-class for all composite types.""" @export class ProtectedType(FullType): _methods: List[Union['Procedure', 'Function']] def __init__(self, identifier: str, methods: Union[List, Iterator] = None): super().__init__(identifier) self._methods = [] if methods is None else [m for m in methods] @property def Methods(self) -> List[Union['Procedure', 'Function']]: return self._methods @export class ProtectedTypeBody(FullType): _methods: List[Union['Procedure', 'Function']] def __init__(self, identifier: str, declaredItems: Union[List, Iterator] = None): super().__init__(identifier) self._methods = [] if declaredItems is None else [m for m in declaredItems] # FIXME: needs to be declared items or so @property def Methods(self) -> List[Union['Procedure', 'Function']]: return self._methods @export class AccessType(FullType): _designatedSubtype: SubtypeOrSymbol def __init__(self, identifier: str, designatedSubtype: SubtypeOrSymbol): super().__init__(identifier) self._designatedSubtype = designatedSubtype @property def DesignatedSubtype(self): return self._designatedSubtype @export class FileType(FullType): _designatedSubtype: SubtypeOrSymbol def __init__(self, identifier: str, designatedSubtype: SubtypeOrSymbol): super().__init__(identifier) self._designatedSubtype = designatedSubtype @property def DesignatedSubtype(self): return self._designatedSubtype @export class EnumeratedType(ScalarType, DiscreteType): _literals: List['EnumerationLiteral'] def __init__(self, identifier: str, literals: Iterable['EnumerationLiteral']): super().__init__(identifier) self._literals = [] if literals is None else [lit for lit in literals] @property def Literals(self) -> List['EnumerationLiteral']: return self._literals @export class IntegerType(RangedScalarType, NumericType, DiscreteType): def __init__(self, identifier: str, rng: Union['Range', Name]): super().__init__(identifier, rng) @export class RealType(RangedScalarType, NumericType): def __init__(self, identifier: str, rng: Union['Range', Name]): super().__init__(identifier, rng) @export class PhysicalType(RangedScalarType, NumericType): _primaryUnit: str _secondaryUnits: List[Tuple[str, 'PhysicalIntegerLiteral']] def __init__(self, identifier: str, rng: Union['Range', Name], primaryUnit: str, units: Iterable[Tuple[str, 'PhysicalIntegerLiteral']]): super().__init__(identifier, rng) self._primaryUnit = primaryUnit self._secondaryUnits = [u for u in units] @property def PrimaryUnit(self) -> str: return self._primaryUnit @property def SecondaryUnits(self) -> List[Tuple[str, 'PhysicalIntegerLiteral']]: return self._secondaryUnits @export class ArrayType(CompositeType): _dimensions: List['Range'] _elementType: Subtype def __init__(self, identifier: str, indices: List, elementSubtype: SubtypeOrSymbol): super().__init__(identifier) self._dimensions = [] @property def Dimensions(self) -> List['Range']: return self._dimensions @property def ElementType(self) -> Subtype: return self._elementType @export class RecordTypeElement(ModelEntity, MultipleNamedEntityMixin): _subtype: SubtypeOrSymbol def __init__(self, identifiers: Iterable[str], subtype: SubtypeOrSymbol): super().__init__() MultipleNamedEntityMixin.__init__(self, identifiers) self._subtype = subtype @property def Subtype(self) -> SubtypeOrSymbol: return self._subtype @export class RecordType(CompositeType): _elements: List[RecordTypeElement] def __init__(self, identifier: str, elements: Iterable[RecordTypeElement] = None): super().__init__(identifier) self._elements = [] if elements is None else [i for i in elements] @property def Elements(self) -> List[RecordTypeElement]: return self._elements @export class BaseExpression(ModelEntity): """A ``BaseExpression`` is a base-class for all expressions.""" @export class Literal(BaseExpression): """A ``Literal`` is a base-class for all literals.""" # TODO: add a reference to a basetype ? @export class NullLiteral(Literal):
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return "null"
@export class EnumerationLiteral(Literal): _value: str def __init__(self, value: str): super().__init__() self._value = value @property def Value(self) -> str: return self._value
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return self._value
@export class NumericLiteral(Literal): """A ``NumericLiteral`` is a base-class for all numeric literals.""" @export class IntegerLiteral(NumericLiteral): _value: int def __init__(self, value: int): super().__init__() self._value = value @property def Value(self) -> int: return self._value
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return str(self._value)
@export class FloatingPointLiteral(NumericLiteral): _value: float def __init__(self, value: float): super().__init__() self._value = value @property def Value(self) -> float: return self._value
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return str(self._value)
@export class PhysicalLiteral(NumericLiteral): _unitName: str def __init__(self, unitName: str): super().__init__() self._unitName = unitName @property def UnitName(self) -> str: return self._unitName def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self._value} {self._unitName}" @export class PhysicalIntegerLiteral(PhysicalLiteral): _value: int def __init__(self, value: int, unitName: str): super().__init__(unitName) self._value = value @property def Value(self) -> int: return self._value @export class PhysicalFloatingLiteral(PhysicalLiteral): _value: float def __init__(self, value: float, unitName: str): super().__init__(unitName) self._value = value @property def Value(self) -> float: return self._value @export class CharacterLiteral(Literal): _value: str def __init__(self, value: str): super().__init__() self._value = value @property def Value(self) -> str: return self._value
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return str(self._value)
@export class StringLiteral(Literal): _value: str def __init__(self, value: str): super().__init__() self._value = value @property def Value(self) -> str: return self._value
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return "\"" + self._value + "\""
@export class BitStringLiteral(Literal): _value: str def __init__(self, value: str): super().__init__() self._value = value @property def Value(self) -> str: return self._value def __str__(self) -> str: return "\"" + self._value + "\"" @export class ParenthesisExpression(Protocol): @property def Operand(self) -> ExpressionUnion: return None @export class UnaryExpression(BaseExpression): """A ``UnaryExpression`` is a base-class for all unary expressions.""" _FORMAT: Tuple[str, str] _operand: ExpressionUnion def __init__(self, operand: ExpressionUnion): super().__init__() self._operand = operand @property def Operand(self): return self._operand def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self._FORMAT[0]}{self._operand!s}{self._FORMAT[1]}" @export class NegationExpression(UnaryExpression): _FORMAT = ("-", "") @export class IdentityExpression(UnaryExpression): _FORMAT = ("+", "") @export class InverseExpression(UnaryExpression): _FORMAT = ("not ", "") @export class AbsoluteExpression(UnaryExpression): _FORMAT = ("abs ", "") @export class TypeConversion(UnaryExpression): pass @export class SubExpression(UnaryExpression, ParenthesisExpression): _FORMAT = ("(", ")") @export class BinaryExpression(BaseExpression): """A ``BinaryExpression`` is a base-class for all binary expressions.""" _FORMAT: Tuple[str, str, str] _leftOperand: ExpressionUnion _rightOperand: ExpressionUnion def __init__(self, _leftOperand: ExpressionUnion, _rightOperand: ExpressionUnion): super().__init__() self._leftOperand = _leftOperand self._rightOperand = _rightOperand @property def LeftOperand(self): return self._leftOperand @property def RightOperand(self): return self._rightOperand def __str__(self) -> str: return "{leftOperator}{leftOperand!s}{middleOperator}{rightOperand!s}{rightOperator}".format( leftOperator=self._FORMAT[0], leftOperand=self._leftOperand, middleOperator=self._FORMAT[1], rightOperand=self._rightOperand, rightOperator=self._FORMAT[2], ) @export class RangeExpression(BinaryExpression): _direction: Direction @property def Direction(self) -> Direction: return self._direction @export class AscendingRangeExpression(RangeExpression): _direction = Direction.To _FORMAT = ("", " to ", "") @export class DescendingRangeExpression(RangeExpression): _direction = Direction.DownTo _FORMAT = ("", " downto ", "") @export class AddingExpression(BinaryExpression): """A ``AddingExpression`` is a base-class for all adding expressions.""" @export class AdditionExpression(AddingExpression): _FORMAT = ("", " + ", "") @export class SubtractionExpression(AddingExpression): _FORMAT = ("", " - ", "") @export class ConcatenationExpression(AddingExpression): _FORMAT = ("", " & ", "") @export class MultiplyingExpression(BinaryExpression): """A ``MultiplyingExpression`` is a base-class for all multiplying expressions.""" @export class MultiplyExpression(MultiplyingExpression): _FORMAT = ("", " * ", "") @export class DivisionExpression(MultiplyingExpression): _FORMAT = ("", " / ", "") @export class RemainderExpression(MultiplyingExpression): _FORMAT = ("", " rem ", "") @export class ModuloExpression(MultiplyingExpression): _FORMAT = ("", " mod ", "") @export class ExponentiationExpression(MultiplyingExpression): _FORMAT = ("", "**", "") @export class LogicalExpression(BinaryExpression): """A ``LogicalExpression`` is a base-class for all logical expressions.""" @export class AndExpression(LogicalExpression): _FORMAT = ("", " and ", "") @export class NandExpression(LogicalExpression): _FORMAT = ("", " nand ", "") @export class OrExpression(LogicalExpression): _FORMAT = ("", " or ", "") @export class NorExpression(LogicalExpression): _FORMAT = ("", " nor ", "") @export class XorExpression(LogicalExpression): _FORMAT = ("", " xor ", "") @export class XnorExpression(LogicalExpression): _FORMAT = ("", " xnor ", "") @export class RelationalExpression(BinaryExpression): """A ``RelationalExpression`` is a base-class for all shifting expressions.""" @export class EqualExpression(RelationalExpression): _FORMAT = ("", " = ", "") @export class UnequalExpression(RelationalExpression): _FORMAT = ("", " /= ", "") @export class GreaterThanExpression(RelationalExpression): _FORMAT = ("", " > ", "") @export class GreaterEqualExpression(RelationalExpression): _FORMAT = ("", " >= ", "") @export class LessThanExpression(RelationalExpression): _FORMAT = ("", " < ", "") @export class LessEqualExpression(RelationalExpression): _FORMAT = ("", " <= ", "") @export class MatchingRelationalExpression(RelationalExpression): pass @export class MatchingEqualExpression(MatchingRelationalExpression): _FORMAT = ("", " ?= ", "") @export class MatchingUnequalExpression(MatchingRelationalExpression): _FORMAT = ("", " ?/= ", "") @export class MatchingGreaterThanExpression(MatchingRelationalExpression): _FORMAT = ("", " ?> ", "") @export class MatchingGreaterEqualExpression(MatchingRelationalExpression): _FORMAT = ("", " ?>= ", "") @export class MatchingLessThanExpression(MatchingRelationalExpression): _FORMAT = ("", " ?< ", "") @export class MatchingLessEqualExpression(MatchingRelationalExpression): _FORMAT = ("", " ?<= ", "") @export class ShiftExpression(BinaryExpression): """A ``ShiftExpression`` is a base-class for all shifting expressions.""" @export class ShiftLogicExpression(ShiftExpression): pass @export class ShiftArithmeticExpression(ShiftExpression): pass @export class RotateExpression(ShiftExpression): pass @export class ShiftRightLogicExpression(ShiftLogicExpression): _FORMAT = ("", " srl ", "") @export class ShiftLeftLogicExpression(ShiftLogicExpression): _FORMAT = ("", " sll ", "") @export class ShiftRightArithmeticExpression(ShiftArithmeticExpression): _FORMAT = ("", " sra ", "") @export class ShiftLeftArithmeticExpression(ShiftArithmeticExpression): _FORMAT = ("", " sla ", "") @export class RotateRightExpression(RotateExpression): _FORMAT = ("", " ror ", "") @export class RotateLeftExpression(RotateExpression): _FORMAT = ("", " rol ", "") @export class QualifiedExpression(BaseExpression, ParenthesisExpression): _operand: ExpressionUnion _subtype: SubtypeOrSymbol def __init__(self, subtype: SubtypeOrSymbol, operand: ExpressionUnion): super().__init__() self._operand = operand self._subtype = subtype @property def Operand(self): return self._operand @property def Subtyped(self): return self._subtype
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self._subtype}'({self._operand!s})"
@export class TernaryExpression(BaseExpression): """A ``TernaryExpression`` is a base-class for all ternary expressions.""" _FORMAT: Tuple[str, str, str, str] _firstOperand: ExpressionUnion _secondOperand: ExpressionUnion _thirdOperand: ExpressionUnion def __init__(self): super().__init__() @property def FirstOperand(self): return self._firstOperand @property def SecondOperand(self): return self._secondOperand @property def ThirdOperand(self): return self._thirdOperand def __str__(self) -> str: return "{beforeFirstOperator}{firstOperand!s}{beforeSecondOperator}{secondOperand!s}{beforeThirdOperator}{thirdOperand!s}{lastOperator}".format( beforeFirstOperator=self._FORMAT[0], firstOperand=self._firstOperand, beforeSecondOperator=self._FORMAT[1], secondOperand=self._secondOperand, beforeThirdOperator=self._FORMAT[2], thirdOperand=self._thirdOperand, lastOperator=self._FORMAT[4], ) @export class WhenElseExpression(TernaryExpression): _FORMAT = ("", " when ", " else ", "") @export class FunctionCall(BaseExpression): pass @export class Allocation(BaseExpression): pass @export class SubtypeAllocation(Allocation): _subtype: Symbol def __init__(self, subtype: Symbol): super().__init__() self._subtype = subtype @property def Subtype(self) -> Symbol: return self._subtype
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return "new {subtype!s}".format(subtype=self._subtype)
@export class QualifiedExpressionAllocation(Allocation): _qualifiedExpression: QualifiedExpression def __init__(self, qualifiedExpression: QualifiedExpression): super().__init__() self._qualifiedExpression = qualifiedExpression @property def QualifiedExpression(self) -> QualifiedExpression: return self._qualifiedExpression
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return "new {expr!s}".format(expr=self._qualifiedExpression)
@export class AggregateElement(ModelEntity): """A ``AggregateElement`` is a base-class for all aggregate elements.""" _expression: ExpressionUnion def __init__(self, expression: ExpressionUnion): super().__init__() self._expression = expression @property def Expression(self): return self._expression @export class SimpleAggregateElement(AggregateElement):
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return str(self._expression)
@export class IndexedAggregateElement(AggregateElement): _index: int def __init__(self, index: ExpressionUnion, expression: ExpressionUnion): super().__init__(expression) self._index = index @property def Index(self) -> int: return self._index
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return "{index!s} => {value!s}".format( index=self._index, value=self._expression, )
@export class RangedAggregateElement(AggregateElement): _range: 'Range' def __init__(self, rng: 'Range', expression: ExpressionUnion): super().__init__(expression) self._range = rng @property def Range(self) -> 'Range': return self._range
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return "{range!s} => {value!s}".format( range=self._range, value=self._expression, )
@export class NamedAggregateElement(AggregateElement): _name: Symbol def __init__(self, name: Symbol, expression: ExpressionUnion): super().__init__(expression) self._name = name @property def Name(self) -> Symbol: return self._name
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return "{name!s} => {value!s}".format( name=self._name, value=self._expression, )
@export class OthersAggregateElement(AggregateElement):
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return "others => {value!s}".format( value=self._expression, )
@export class Aggregate(BaseExpression): _elements: List[AggregateElement] def __init__(self, elements: Iterable[AggregateElement]): super().__init__() self._elements = [e for e in elements] @property def Elements(self) -> List[AggregateElement]: return self._elements
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: choices = [str(element) for element in self._elements] return "({choices})".format( choices=", ".join(choices) )
@export class Range(ModelEntity): _leftBound: ExpressionUnion _rightBound: ExpressionUnion _direction: Direction
[docs] def __init__(self, leftBound: ExpressionUnion, rightBound: ExpressionUnion, direction: Direction): super().__init__() self._leftBound = leftBound self._rightBound = rightBound self._direction = direction
@property def LeftBound(self) -> ExpressionUnion: return self._leftBound @property def RightBound(self) -> ExpressionUnion: return self._rightBound @property def Direction(self) -> Direction: return self._direction
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return "{leftBound!s} {direction!s} {rightBound!s}".format( leftBound=self._leftBound, direction=self._direction, rightBound=self._rightBound, )
@export class BaseConstraint(ModelEntity): pass # FIXME: Is this used? @export class RangeAttribute(BaseConstraint): pass # FIXME: Is this used? @export class RangeSubtype(BaseConstraint): pass @export class Obj(ModelEntity, MultipleNamedEntityMixin, DocumentedEntityMixin): _subtype: SubtypeOrSymbol def __init__(self, identifiers: Iterable[str], subtype: SubtypeOrSymbol, documentation: str = None): super().__init__() MultipleNamedEntityMixin.__init__(self, identifiers) DocumentedEntityMixin.__init__(self, documentation) self._subtype = subtype @property def Subtype(self) -> SubtypeOrSymbol: return self._subtype @export class WithDefaultExpressionMixin: """A ``WithDefaultExpression`` is a mixin class for all objects declarations accepting default expressions.""" _defaultExpression: ExpressionUnion def __init__(self, defaultExpression: ExpressionUnion = None): self._defaultExpression = defaultExpression @property def DefaultExpression(self) -> ExpressionUnion: return self._defaultExpression @export class BaseConstant(Obj): pass @export class Constant(BaseConstant, WithDefaultExpressionMixin): def __init__(self, identifiers: Iterable[str], subtype: SubtypeOrSymbol, defaultExpression: ExpressionUnion = None, documentation: str = None): super().__init__(identifiers, subtype, documentation) WithDefaultExpressionMixin.__init__(self, defaultExpression) @export class DeferredConstant(BaseConstant): _constantReference: Constant def __init__(self, identifiers: Iterable[str], subtype: SubtypeOrSymbol, documentation: str = None): super().__init__(identifiers, subtype, documentation) @property def ConstantReference(self) -> Constant: return self._constantReference @export class Variable(Obj, WithDefaultExpressionMixin): def __init__(self, identifiers: Iterable[str], subtype: SubtypeOrSymbol, defaultExpression: ExpressionUnion = None, documentation: str = None): super().__init__(identifiers, subtype, documentation) WithDefaultExpressionMixin.__init__(self, defaultExpression) @export class SharedVariable(Obj): pass @export class Signal(Obj, WithDefaultExpressionMixin): def __init__(self, identifiers: Iterable[str], subtype: SubtypeOrSymbol, defaultExpression: ExpressionUnion = None, documentation: str = None): super().__init__(identifiers, subtype, documentation) WithDefaultExpressionMixin.__init__(self, defaultExpression) @export class File(Obj): pass @export class SubProgramm(ModelEntity, NamedEntityMixin, DocumentedEntityMixin): _genericItems: List['GenericInterfaceItem'] _parameterItems: List['ParameterInterfaceItem'] _declaredItems: List _statements: List['SequentialStatement'] _isPure: bool def __init__(self, identifier: str, documentation: str = None): super().__init__() NamedEntityMixin.__init__(self, identifier) DocumentedEntityMixin.__init__(self, documentation) self._genericItems = [] self._parameterItems = [] self._declaredItems = [] self._statements = [] @property def GenericItems(self) -> List['GenericInterfaceItem']: return self._genericItems @property def ParameterItems(self) -> List['ParameterInterfaceItem']: return self._parameterItems @property def DeclaredItems(self) -> List: return self._declaredItems @property def Statements(self) -> List['SequentialStatement']: return self._statements @property def IsPure(self) -> bool: return self._isPure @export class Procedure(SubProgramm): _isPure: bool = False @export class Function(SubProgramm): _returnType: Subtype def __init__(self, identifier: str, isPure: bool = True, documentation: str = None): super().__init__(identifier, documentation) self._isPure = isPure @property def ReturnType(self) -> Subtype: return self._returnType @export class Method: """A ``Method`` is a mixin class for all subprograms in a protected type.""" _protectedType: ProtectedType def __init__(self, protectedType: ProtectedType): self._protectedType = protectedType @property def ProtectedType(self) -> ProtectedType: return self._protectedType @export class ProcedureMethod(Procedure, Method): def __init__(self, identifier: str, protectedType: ProtectedType): super().__init__(identifier) Method.__init__(self, protectedType) @export class FunctionMethod(Function, Method): def __init__(self, identifier: str, protectedType: ProtectedType): super().__init__(identifier) Method.__init__(self, protectedType) @export class Attribute(ModelEntity, NamedEntityMixin, DocumentedEntityMixin): _subtype: SubtypeOrSymbol def __init__(self, identifier: str, subtype: SubtypeOrSymbol, documentation: str = None): super().__init__() NamedEntityMixin.__init__(self, identifier) DocumentedEntityMixin.__init__(self, documentation) self._subtype = subtype @property def Subtype(self): return self._subtype @export class AttributeSpecification(ModelEntity, DocumentedEntityMixin): _identifiers: List[Name] _attribute: Name _entityClass: EntityClass _expression: ExpressionUnion def __init__(self, identifiers: Iterable[Name], attribute: Name, entityClass: EntityClass, expression: ExpressionUnion, documentation: str = None): super().__init__() DocumentedEntityMixin.__init__(self, documentation) self._identifiers = [i for i in identifiers] self._attribute = attribute self._entityClass = entityClass self._expression = expression @property def Identifiers(self) -> List[Name]: return self._identifiers @property def Attribute(self) -> Name: return self._attribute @property def EntityClass(self) -> EntityClass: return self._entityClass @property def Expression(self) -> ExpressionUnion: return self._expression @export class InterfaceItem(DocumentedEntityMixin): """An ``InterfaceItem`` is a base-class for all mixin-classes for all interface items.""" def __init__(self, documentation: str = None): super().__init__(documentation) @export class InterfaceItemWithMode: """An ``InterfaceItemWithMode`` is a mixin-class to provide a ``Mode`` to interface items.""" _mode: Mode def __init__(self, mode: Mode): self._mode = mode @property def Mode(self) -> Mode: return self._mode @export class GenericInterfaceItem(InterfaceItem): """A ``GenericInterfaceItem`` is a mixin class for all generic interface items.""" @export class PortInterfaceItem(InterfaceItem, InterfaceItemWithMode): """A ``PortInterfaceItem`` is a mixin class for all port interface items.""" def __init__(self, mode: Mode): super().__init__() InterfaceItemWithMode.__init__(self, mode) @export class ParameterInterfaceItem(InterfaceItem): """A ``ParameterInterfaceItem`` is a mixin class for all parameter interface items.""" @export class GenericConstantInterfaceItem(Constant, GenericInterfaceItem, InterfaceItemWithMode): def __init__(self, identifiers: Iterable[str], mode: Mode, subtype: SubtypeOrSymbol, defaultExpression: ExpressionUnion = None, documentation: str = None): super().__init__(identifiers, subtype, defaultExpression, documentation) GenericInterfaceItem.__init__(self) InterfaceItemWithMode.__init__(self, mode) @export class GenericTypeInterfaceItem(Type, GenericInterfaceItem): def __init__(self, identifier: str, documentation: str = None): super().__init__(identifier, documentation) GenericInterfaceItem.__init__(self) @export class GenericSubprogramInterfaceItem(GenericInterfaceItem): pass @export class GenericProcedureInterfaceItem(Procedure, GenericInterfaceItem): def __init__(self, identifier: str, documentation: str = None): super().__init__(identifier, documentation) GenericInterfaceItem.__init__(self) @export class GenericFunctionInterfaceItem(Function, GenericInterfaceItem): def __init__(self, identifier: str, documentation: str = None): super().__init__(identifier, documentation) GenericInterfaceItem.__init__(self) @export class GenericPackageInterfaceItem(GenericInterfaceItem): def __init__(self, identifier: str, documentation: str = None): # super().__init__(identifier, documentation) GenericInterfaceItem.__init__(self) @export class PortSignalInterfaceItem(Signal, PortInterfaceItem): def __init__(self, identifiers: Iterable[str], mode: Mode, subtype: SubtypeOrSymbol, defaultExpression: ExpressionUnion = None, documentation: str = None): super().__init__(identifiers, subtype, defaultExpression, documentation) PortInterfaceItem.__init__(self, mode) @export class ParameterConstantInterfaceItem(Constant, ParameterInterfaceItem, InterfaceItemWithMode): def __init__(self, identifiers: Iterable[str], mode: Mode, subtype: SubtypeOrSymbol, defaultExpression: ExpressionUnion = None, documentation: str = None): super().__init__(identifiers, subtype, defaultExpression, documentation) ParameterInterfaceItem.__init__(self) InterfaceItemWithMode.__init__(self, mode) @export class ParameterVariableInterfaceItem(Variable, ParameterInterfaceItem, InterfaceItemWithMode): def __init__(self, identifiers: Iterable[str], mode: Mode, subtype: SubtypeOrSymbol, defaultExpression: ExpressionUnion = None, documentation: str = None): super().__init__(identifiers, subtype, defaultExpression, documentation) ParameterInterfaceItem.__init__(self) InterfaceItemWithMode.__init__(self, mode) @export class ParameterSignalInterfaceItem(Signal, ParameterInterfaceItem, InterfaceItemWithMode): def __init__(self, identifiers: Iterable[str], mode: Mode, subtype: SubtypeOrSymbol, defaultExpression: ExpressionUnion = None, documentation: str = None): super().__init__(identifiers, subtype, defaultExpression, documentation) ParameterInterfaceItem.__init__(self) InterfaceItemWithMode.__init__(self, mode) @export class ParameterFileInterfaceItem(File, ParameterInterfaceItem): def __init__(self, identifiers: Iterable[str], subtype: SubtypeOrSymbol, documentation: str = None): super().__init__(identifiers, subtype, documentation) ParameterInterfaceItem.__init__(self) @export class Context(PrimaryUnit): _libraryReferences: List[LibraryClause] _packageReferences: List[UseClause] def __init__(self, identifier: str, libraryReferences: Iterable[LibraryClause] = None, packageReferences: Iterable[UseClause] = None, documentation: str = None): super().__init__(identifier, documentation) self._libraryReferences = [] if libraryReferences is None else [l for l in libraryReferences] self._packageReferences = [] if packageReferences is None else [p for p in packageReferences] @property def LibraryReferences(self) -> List[LibraryClause]: return self._libraryReferences @property def PackageReferences(self) -> List[UseClause]: return self._packageReferences @export class Entity(PrimaryUnit, DesignUnitWithContextMixin): _genericItems: List[GenericInterfaceItem] _portItems: List[PortInterfaceItem] _declaredItems: List # FIXME: define list prefix type e.g. via Union _statements: List['ConcurrentStatement'] _architectures: List['Architecture'] def __init__( self, identifier: str, contextItems: Iterable[ContextUnion] = None, genericItems: Iterable[GenericInterfaceItem] = None, portItems: Iterable[PortInterfaceItem] = None, declaredItems: Iterable = None, statements: Iterable['ConcurrentStatement'] = None, documentation: str = None ): super().__init__(identifier, documentation) DesignUnitWithContextMixin.__init__(self, contextItems) self._genericItems = [] if genericItems is None else [g for g in genericItems] self._portItems = [] if portItems is None else [p for p in portItems] self._declaredItems = [] if declaredItems is None else [i for i in declaredItems] self._statements = [] if statements is None else [s for s in statements] self._architectures = [] @property def GenericItems(self) -> List[GenericInterfaceItem]: return self._genericItems @property def PortItems(self) -> List[PortInterfaceItem]: return self._portItems @property def DeclaredItems(self) -> List: # FIXME: define list prefix type e.g. via Union return self._declaredItems @property def Statements(self) -> List['ConcurrentStatement']: return self._statements @property def Architectures(self) -> List['Architecture']: return self._architectures @export class Architecture(SecondaryUnit, DesignUnitWithContextMixin): _library: Library = None _entity: EntitySymbol _declaredItems: List # FIXME: define list prefix type e.g. via Union _statements: List['ConcurrentStatement'] def __init__(self, identifier: str, entity: EntitySymbol, contextItems: Iterable[Context] = None, declaredItems: Iterable = None, statements: Iterable['ConcurrentStatement'] = None, documentation: str = None): super().__init__(identifier, documentation) DesignUnitWithContextMixin.__init__(self, contextItems) self._entity = entity self._declaredItems = [] if declaredItems is None else [i for i in declaredItems] self._statements = [] if statements is None else [s for s in statements] @property def Entity(self) -> EntitySymbol: return self._entity @property def Library(self) -> 'Library': return self._library @Library.setter def Library(self, library: 'Library') -> None: self._library = library @property def DeclaredItems(self) -> List: # FIXME: define list prefix type e.g. via Union return self._declaredItems @property def Statements(self) -> List['ConcurrentStatement']: return self._statements @export class Component(ModelEntity, NamedEntityMixin, DocumentedEntityMixin): _genericItems: List[GenericInterfaceItem] _portItems: List[PortInterfaceItem] def __init__(self, identifier: str, genericItems: Iterable[GenericInterfaceItem] = None, portItems: Iterable[PortInterfaceItem] = None, documentation: str = None): super().__init__() NamedEntityMixin.__init__(self, identifier) DocumentedEntityMixin.__init__(self, documentation) self._genericItems = [] if genericItems is None else [g for g in genericItems] self._portItems = [] if portItems is None else [p for p in portItems] @property def GenericItems(self) -> List[GenericInterfaceItem]: return self._genericItems @property def PortItems(self) -> List[PortInterfaceItem]: return self._portItems @export class Configuration(PrimaryUnit, DesignUnitWithContextMixin): def __init__(self, identifier: str, contextItems: Iterable[Context] = None, documentation: str = None): super().__init__(identifier, documentation) DesignUnitWithContextMixin.__init__(self, contextItems) @export class AssociationItem(ModelEntity): _formal: Name _actual: ExpressionUnion def __init__(self, actual: ExpressionUnion, formal: Name = None): super().__init__() self._formal = formal self._actual = actual @property def Formal(self) -> Name: return self._formal @property def Actual(self) -> ExpressionUnion: return self._actual def __str__(self): if self._formal is None: return str(self._actual) else: return "{formal!s} => {actual!s}".format(formal=self._formal, actual=self._actual) @export class GenericAssociationItem(AssociationItem): pass @export class PortAssociationItem(AssociationItem): pass @export class ParameterAssociationItem(AssociationItem): pass @export class GenericEntityInstantiation: def __init__(self): pass @export class SubprogramInstantiation(ModelEntity, GenericEntityInstantiation): def __init__(self): super().__init__() GenericEntityInstantiation.__init__(self) self._subprogramReference = None @export class ProcedureInstantiation(Procedure, SubprogramInstantiation): pass @export class FunctionInstantiation(Function, SubprogramInstantiation): pass @export class Package(PrimaryUnit, DesignUnitWithContextMixin): _genericItems: List[GenericInterfaceItem] _declaredItems: List def __init__(self, identifier: str, contextItems: Iterable[Context] = None, genericItems: Iterable[GenericInterfaceItem] = None, declaredItems: Iterable = None, documentation: str = None): super().__init__(identifier, documentation) DesignUnitWithContextMixin.__init__(self, contextItems) self._genericItems = [] if genericItems is None else [g for g in genericItems] self._declaredItems = [] if declaredItems is None else [i for i in declaredItems] @property def GenericItems(self) -> List[GenericInterfaceItem]: return self._genericItems @property def DeclaredItems(self) -> List: return self._declaredItems @export class PackageBody(SecondaryUnit, DesignUnitWithContextMixin): _package: PackageSymbol _declaredItems: List def __init__(self, identifier: str, contextItems: Iterable[Context] = None, declaredItems: Iterable = None, documentation: str = None): super().__init__(identifier, documentation) DesignUnitWithContextMixin.__init__(self, contextItems) self._package = PackageSymbol(SimpleName(identifier)) self._declaredItems = [] if declaredItems is None else [i for i in declaredItems] @property def Package(self) -> PackageSymbol: return self._package @property def DeclaredItems(self) -> List: return self._declaredItems @export class PackageInstantiation(PrimaryUnit, GenericEntityInstantiation): _packageReference: Package _genericAssociations: List[GenericAssociationItem] def __init__(self, identifier: str, uninstantiatedPackage: PackageOrSymbol, documentation: str = None): super().__init__(identifier, documentation) GenericEntityInstantiation.__init__(self) self._packageReference = uninstantiatedPackage self._genericAssociations = [] @property def PackageReference(self) -> PackageOrSymbol: return self._packageReference @property def GenericAssociations(self) -> List[GenericAssociationItem]: return self._genericAssociations @export class Statement(ModelEntity, LabeledEntityMixin): def __init__(self, label: str = None): super().__init__() LabeledEntityMixin.__init__(self, label) @export class ConcurrentStatement(Statement): """A ``ConcurrentStatement`` is a base-class for all concurrent statements.""" @export class SequentialStatement(Statement): """A ``SequentialStatement`` is a base-class for all sequential statements.""" # FIXME: Why not used in entity, architecture, package, package body, block-statement, generate-statements @export class ConcurrentDeclarations: _declaredItems: List def __init__(self, declaredItems: Iterable = None): self._declaredItems = [] if declaredItems is None else [i for i in declaredItems] @property def DeclaredItems(self) -> List: return self._declaredItems # FIXME: Why not used in entity, architecture, block-statement, generate-statements @export class ConcurrentStatements: _statements: List[ConcurrentStatement] def __init__(self, statements: Iterable[ConcurrentStatement] = None): self._statements = [] if statements is None else [s for s in statements] @property def Statements(self) -> List[ConcurrentStatement]: return self._statements @export class SequentialDeclarations: _declaredItems: List def __init__(self, declaredItems: Iterable): self._declaredItems = [] if declaredItems is None else [i for i in declaredItems] @property def DeclaredItems(self) -> List: return self._declaredItems @export class SequentialStatements: _statements: List[SequentialStatement] def __init__(self, statements: Iterable[SequentialStatement] = None): self._statements = [] if statements is None else [s for s in statements] @property def Statements(self) -> List[SequentialStatement]: return self._statements @export class Instantiation(ConcurrentStatement): _genericAssociations: List[AssociationItem] _portAssociations: List[AssociationItem] def __init__(self, label: str, genericAssociations: Iterable[AssociationItem] = None, portAssociations: Iterable[AssociationItem] = None): super().__init__(label) self._genericAssociations = [] if genericAssociations is None else [g for g in genericAssociations] self._portAssociations = [] if portAssociations is None else [p for p in portAssociations] @property def GenericAssociations(self) -> List[AssociationItem]: return self._genericAssociations @property def PortAssociations(self) -> List[AssociationItem]: return self._portAssociations @export class ComponentInstantiation(Instantiation): _component: Name def __init__(self, label: str, componentName: Name, genericAssociations: Iterable[AssociationItem] = None, portAssociations: Iterable[AssociationItem] = None): super().__init__(label, genericAssociations, portAssociations) self._component = componentName @property def Component(self) -> Name: return self._component @export class EntityInstantiation(Instantiation): _entity: Name _architecture: Name def __init__(self, label: str, entityName: Name, architectureName: Name = None, genericAssociations: Iterable[AssociationItem] = None, portAssociations: Iterable[AssociationItem] = None): super().__init__(label, genericAssociations, portAssociations) self._entity = entityName self._architecture = architectureName @property def Entity(self) -> Name: return self._entity @property def Architecture(self) -> Name: return self._architecture @export class ConfigurationInstantiation(Instantiation): _configuration: Name def __init__(self, label: str, configurationName: Name, genericAssociations: Iterable[AssociationItem] = None, portAssociations: Iterable[AssociationItem] = None): super().__init__(label, genericAssociations, portAssociations) self._configuration = configurationName @property def Configuration(self) -> Name: return self._configuration @export class ProcessStatement(ConcurrentStatement, SequentialDeclarations, SequentialStatements, DocumentedEntityMixin): _sensitivityList: List[Name] = None def __init__( self, label: str = None, declaredItems: Iterable = None, statements: Iterable[SequentialStatement] = None, sensitivityList: Iterable[Name] = None, documentation: str = None ): super().__init__(label) SequentialDeclarations.__init__(self, declaredItems) SequentialStatements.__init__(self, statements) DocumentedEntityMixin.__init__(self, documentation) if sensitivityList is not None: self._sensitivityList = [s for s in sensitivityList] @property def SensitivityList(self) -> List[Name]: return self._sensitivityList @export class ProcedureCall: _procedure: Name _parameterMappings: List[ParameterAssociationItem] def __init__(self, procedureName: Name, parameterMappings: Iterable[ParameterAssociationItem] = None): self._procedure = procedureName self._parameterMappings = [] if parameterMappings is None else [m for m in parameterMappings] @property def Procedure(self) -> Name: return self._procedure @property def ParameterMappings(self) -> List[ParameterAssociationItem]: return self._parameterMappings @export class ConcurrentProcedureCall(ConcurrentStatement, ProcedureCall): def __init__(self, label: str, procedureName: Name, parameterMappings: Iterable[ParameterAssociationItem] = None): super().__init__(label) ProcedureCall.__init__(self, procedureName, parameterMappings) @export class SequentialProcedureCall(SequentialStatement, ProcedureCall): def __init__(self, procedureName: Name, parameterMappings: Iterable[ParameterAssociationItem] = None, label: str = None): super().__init__(label) ProcedureCall.__init__(self, procedureName, parameterMappings) # TODO: could be unified with ProcessStatement if 'List[ConcurrentStatement]' becomes parametric to T class BlockStatement: """A ``BlockStatement`` is a mixin-class for all block statements.""" def __init__(self): pass @export class ConcurrentBlockStatement(ConcurrentStatement, BlockStatement, LabeledEntityMixin, ConcurrentDeclarations, ConcurrentStatements, DocumentedEntityMixin): _portItems: List[PortInterfaceItem] def __init__( self, label: str, portItems: Iterable[PortInterfaceItem] = None, declaredItems: Iterable = None, statements: Iterable['ConcurrentStatement'] = None, documentation: str = None ): super().__init__(label) BlockStatement.__init__(self) LabeledEntityMixin.__init__(self, label) ConcurrentDeclarations.__init__(self) ConcurrentStatements.__init__(self) DocumentedEntityMixin.__init__(self, documentation) self._portItems = [] if portItems is None else [i for i in portItems] self._declaredItems = [] if declaredItems is None else [i for i in declaredItems] self._statements = [] if statements is None else [s for s in statements] # Extract to MixIn? @property def PortItems(self) -> List[PortInterfaceItem]: return self._portItems @property def DeclaredItems(self) -> List: # FIXME: define list prefix type e.g. via Union return self._declaredItems @property def Statements(self) -> List['ConcurrentStatement']: return self._statements @export class MixinConditional: """A ``BaseConditional`` is a mixin-class for all statements with a condition.""" _condition: ExpressionUnion def __init__(self, condition: ExpressionUnion = None): self._condition = condition @property def Condition(self) -> ExpressionUnion: return self._condition @export class MixinBranch: """A ``BaseBranch`` is a mixin-class for all statements with branches.""" def __init__(self): pass @export class MixinConditionalBranch(MixinBranch, MixinConditional): """A ``BaseBranch`` is a mixin-class for all branch statements with a condition.""" def __init__(self, condition: ExpressionUnion): super().__init__() MixinConditional.__init__(self, condition) @export class MixinIfBranch(MixinConditionalBranch): """A ``BaseIfBranch`` is a mixin-class for all if-branches.""" @export class MixinElsifBranch(MixinConditionalBranch): """A ``BaseElsifBranch`` is a mixin-class for all elsif-branches.""" @export class MixinElseBranch(MixinBranch): """A ``BaseElseBranch`` is a mixin-class for all else-branches.""" @export class GenerateBranch(ModelEntity, ConcurrentDeclarations, ConcurrentStatements): """A ``GenerateBranch`` is a base-class for all branches in a generate statements.""" _alternativeLabel: str = None def __init__(self, declaredItems: Iterable = None, statements: Iterable[ConcurrentStatement] = None, alternativeLabel: str = None): super().__init__() ConcurrentDeclarations.__init__(self, declaredItems) ConcurrentStatements.__init__(self, statements) self._alternativeLabel = alternativeLabel @export class IfGenerateBranch(GenerateBranch, MixinIfBranch): def __init__(self, condition: ExpressionUnion, declaredItems: Iterable = None, statements: Iterable[ConcurrentStatement] = None, alternativeLabel: str = None): super().__init__(declaredItems, statements, alternativeLabel) MixinIfBranch.__init__(self, condition) @export class ElsifGenerateBranch(GenerateBranch, MixinElsifBranch): def __init__(self, condition: ExpressionUnion, declaredItems: Iterable = None, statements: Iterable[ConcurrentStatement] = None, alternativeLabel: str = None): super().__init__(declaredItems, statements, alternativeLabel) MixinElsifBranch.__init__(self, condition) @export class ElseGenerateBranch(GenerateBranch, MixinElseBranch): def __init__(self, declaredItems: Iterable = None, statements: Iterable[ConcurrentStatement] = None, alternativeLabel: str = None): super().__init__(declaredItems, statements, alternativeLabel) MixinElseBranch.__init__(self) @export class GenerateStatement(ConcurrentStatement): """A ``GenerateStatement`` is a base-class for all generate statements.""" def __init__(self, label: str = None): super().__init__(label) @export class IfGenerateStatement(GenerateStatement): _ifBranch: IfGenerateBranch _elsifBranches: List[ElsifGenerateBranch] _elseBranch: ElseGenerateBranch def __init__(self, label: str, ifBranch: IfGenerateBranch, elsifBranches: Iterable[ElsifGenerateBranch] = None, elseBranch: ElseGenerateBranch = None): super().__init__(label) self._ifBranch = ifBranch self._elsifBranches = [] if elsifBranches is None else [b for b in elsifBranches] self._elseBranch = elseBranch @property def IfBranch(self) -> IfGenerateBranch: return self._ifBranch @property def ElsifBranches(self) -> List[ElsifGenerateBranch]: return self._elsifBranches @property def ElseBranch(self) -> ElseGenerateBranch: return self._elseBranch @export class Choice(ModelEntity): """A ``Choice`` is a base-class for all choices.""" @export class ConcurrentChoice(Choice): """A ``ConcurrentChoice`` is a base-class for all concurrent choices (in case...generate statements).""" @export class SequentialChoice(Choice): """A ``SequentialChoice`` is a base-class for all sequential choices (in case statements).""" @export class BaseCase(ModelEntity): """ A ``Case`` is a base-class for all cases. """ @export class ConcurrentCase(BaseCase, LabeledEntityMixin, ConcurrentDeclarations, ConcurrentStatements): def __init__(self, declaredItems: Iterable = None, statements: Iterable[ConcurrentStatement] = None, alternativeLabel: str = None): super().__init__() LabeledEntityMixin.__init__(self, alternativeLabel) ConcurrentDeclarations.__init__(self, declaredItems) ConcurrentStatements.__init__(self, statements) @export class SequentialCase(BaseCase, SequentialStatements): _choices: List def __init__(self, statements: Iterable[SequentialStatement] = None): super().__init__() SequentialStatements.__init__(self, statements) @property def Choices(self) -> List[Choice]: return self._choices @export class GenerateCase(ConcurrentCase): _choices: List[ConcurrentChoice] def __init__(self, choices: Iterable[ConcurrentChoice], declaredItems: Iterable = None, statements: Iterable[ConcurrentStatement] = None, alternativeLabel: str = None): super().__init__(declaredItems, statements, alternativeLabel) self._choices = [c for c in choices] @property def Choices(self) -> List[ConcurrentChoice]: return self._choices
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return "when {choices} =>".format(choices=" | ".join([str(c) for c in self._choices]))
@export class OthersGenerateCase(ConcurrentCase):
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return "when others =>"
@export class IndexedGenerateChoice(ConcurrentChoice): _expression: ExpressionUnion def __init__(self, expression: ExpressionUnion): super().__init__() self._expression = expression @property def Expression(self) -> ExpressionUnion: return self._expression
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return "{expression!s}".format(expression=self._expression)
@export class RangedGenerateChoice(ConcurrentChoice): _range: 'Range' def __init__(self, rng: 'Range'): super().__init__() self._range = rng @property def Range(self) -> 'Range': return self._range
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return "{range!s}".format(range=self._range)
@export class CaseGenerateStatement(GenerateStatement): _expression: ExpressionUnion _cases: List[GenerateCase] def __init__(self, label: str, expression: ExpressionUnion, cases: Iterable[ConcurrentCase]): super().__init__(label) self._expression = expression self._cases = [] if cases is None else [c for c in cases] @property def SelectExpression(self) -> ExpressionUnion: return self._expression @property def Cases(self) -> List[GenerateCase]: return self._cases @export class ForGenerateStatement(GenerateStatement, ConcurrentDeclarations, ConcurrentStatements): _loopIndex: str _range: Range def __init__(self, label: str, loopIndex: str, range: Range, declaredItems: Iterable = None, statements: Iterable[ConcurrentStatement] = None): super().__init__(label) ConcurrentDeclarations.__init__(self, declaredItems) ConcurrentStatements.__init__(self, statements) self._loopIndex = loopIndex self._range = range @property def LoopIndex(self) -> str: return self._loopIndex @property def Range(self) -> Range: return self._range @export class Assignment: """An ``Assignment`` is a base-class for all assignment statements.""" _target: Name def __init__(self, target: Name): self._target = target @property def Target(self) -> Name: return self._target @export class SignalAssignment(Assignment): """An ``SignalAssignment`` is a base-class for all signal assignment statements.""" @export class VariableAssignment(Assignment): """An ``VariableAssignment`` is a base-class for all variable assignment statements.""" _expression: ExpressionUnion def __init__(self, target: Name, expression: ExpressionUnion): super().__init__(target) self._expression = expression @property def Expression(self) -> ExpressionUnion: return self._expression @export class WaveformElement(ModelEntity): _expression: ExpressionUnion _after: ExpressionUnion def __init__(self, expression: ExpressionUnion, after: ExpressionUnion = None): super().__init__() self._expression = expression self._after = after @property def Expression(self) -> ExpressionUnion: return self._expression @property def After(self) -> Expression: return self._after @export class ConcurrentSignalAssignment(ConcurrentStatement, SignalAssignment): def __init__(self, label: str, target: Name): super().__init__(label) SignalAssignment.__init__(self, target) @export class ConcurrentSimpleSignalAssignment(ConcurrentSignalAssignment): _waveform: List[WaveformElement] def __init__(self, label: str, target: Name, waveform: Iterable[WaveformElement]): super().__init__(label, target) self._waveform = [e for e in waveform] @property def Waveform(self) -> List[WaveformElement]: return self._waveform @export class ConcurrentSelectedSignalAssignment(ConcurrentSignalAssignment): def __init__(self, label: str, target: Name, expression: ExpressionUnion): super().__init__(label, target) @export class ConcurrentConditionalSignalAssignment(ConcurrentSignalAssignment): def __init__(self, label: str, target: Name, expression: ExpressionUnion): super().__init__(label, target) @export class SequentialSignalAssignment(SequentialStatement, SignalAssignment): def __init__(self, target: Name, label: str = None): super().__init__(label) SignalAssignment.__init__(self, target) @export class SequentialSimpleSignalAssignment(SequentialSignalAssignment): _waveform: List[WaveformElement] def __init__(self, target: Name, waveform: Iterable[WaveformElement], label: str = None): super().__init__(target, label) self._waveform = [e for e in waveform] @property def Waveform(self) -> List[WaveformElement]: return self._waveform @export class SequentialVariableAssignment(SequentialStatement, VariableAssignment): def __init__(self, target: Name, expression: ExpressionUnion, label: str = None): super().__init__(label) VariableAssignment.__init__(self, target, expression) @export class MixinReportStatement: """A ``MixinReportStatement`` is a mixin-class for all report and assert statements.""" _message: ExpressionUnion _severity: ExpressionUnion def __init__(self, message: ExpressionUnion = None, severity: ExpressionUnion = None): self._message = message self._severity = severity @property def Message(self) -> ExpressionUnion: return self._message @property def Severity(self) -> ExpressionUnion: return self._severity @export class MixinAssertStatement(MixinReportStatement): """A ``MixinAssertStatement`` is a mixin-class for all assert statements.""" _condition: ExpressionUnion def __init__(self, condition: ExpressionUnion, message: ExpressionUnion = None, severity: ExpressionUnion = None): super().__init__(message, severity) self._condition = condition @property def Condition(self) -> ExpressionUnion: return self._condition @export class ConcurrentAssertStatement(ConcurrentStatement, MixinAssertStatement): def __init__(self, condition: ExpressionUnion, message: ExpressionUnion, severity: ExpressionUnion = None, label: str = None): super().__init__(label) MixinAssertStatement.__init__(self, condition, message, severity) @export class SequentialReportStatement(SequentialStatement, MixinReportStatement): def __init__(self, message: ExpressionUnion, severity: ExpressionUnion = None, label: str = None): super().__init__(label) MixinReportStatement.__init__(self, message, severity) @export class SequentialAssertStatement(SequentialStatement, MixinAssertStatement): def __init__(self, condition: ExpressionUnion, message: ExpressionUnion = None, severity: ExpressionUnion = None, label: str = None): super().__init__(label) MixinAssertStatement.__init__(self, condition, message, severity) @export class Branch(ModelEntity, SequentialStatements): """A ``Branch`` is a base-class for all branches in a if statement.""" def __init__(self, statements: Iterable[ConcurrentStatement] = None): super().__init__() SequentialStatements.__init__(self, statements) @export class IfBranch(Branch, MixinIfBranch): def __init__(self, condition: ExpressionUnion, statements: Iterable[ConcurrentStatement] = None): super().__init__(statements) MixinIfBranch.__init__(self, condition) @export class ElsifBranch(Branch, MixinElsifBranch): def __init__(self, condition: ExpressionUnion, statements: Iterable[ConcurrentStatement] = None): super().__init__(statements) MixinElsifBranch.__init__(self, condition) @export class ElseBranch(Branch, MixinElseBranch): def __init__(self, statements: Iterable[ConcurrentStatement] = None): super().__init__(statements) MixinElseBranch.__init__(self) @export class CompoundStatement(SequentialStatement): """A ``CompoundStatement`` is a base-class for all compound statements.""" @export class IfStatement(CompoundStatement): _ifBranch: IfBranch _elsifBranches: List['ElsifBranch'] _elseBranch: ElseBranch def __init__(self, ifBranch: IfBranch, elsifBranches: Iterable[ElsifBranch] = None, elseBranch: ElseBranch = None, label: str = None): super().__init__(label) self._ifBranch = ifBranch self._elsifBranches = [] if elsifBranches is None else [b for b in elsifBranches] self._elseBranch = elseBranch @property def IfBranch(self) -> IfBranch: return self._ifBranch @property def ElsIfBranches(self) -> List['ElsifBranch']: return self._elsifBranches @property def ElseBranch(self) -> ElseBranch: return self._elseBranch @export class Case(SequentialCase): _choices: List[SequentialChoice] def __init__(self, choices: Iterable[SequentialChoice], statements: Iterable[SequentialStatement] = None): super().__init__(statements) self._choices = [c for c in choices] @property def Choices(self) -> List[SequentialChoice]: return self._choices
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return "when {choices} =>".format(choices=" | ".join([str(c) for c in self._choices]))
@export class OthersCase(SequentialCase):
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return "when others =>"
@export class IndexedChoice(SequentialChoice): _expression: ExpressionUnion def __init__(self, expression: ExpressionUnion): super().__init__() self._expression = expression @property def Expression(self) -> ExpressionUnion: return self._expression
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return "{expression!s}".format(expression=self._expression)
@export class RangedChoice(SequentialChoice): _range: 'Range' def __init__(self, rng: 'Range'): super().__init__() self._range = rng @property def Range(self) -> 'Range': return self._range
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return "{range!s}".format(range=self._range)
@export class CaseStatement(CompoundStatement): _expression: ExpressionUnion _cases: List[SequentialCase] def __init__(self, expression: ExpressionUnion, cases: Iterable[SequentialCase], label: str = None): super().__init__(label) self._expression = expression self._cases = [] if cases is None else [c for c in cases] @property def SelectExpression(self) -> ExpressionUnion: return self._expression @property def Cases(self) -> List[SequentialCase]: return self._cases @export class LoopStatement(CompoundStatement, SequentialStatements): """A ``LoopStatement`` is a base-class for all loop statements.""" def __init__(self, statements: Iterable[ConcurrentStatement] = None, label: str = None): super().__init__(label) SequentialStatements.__init__(self, statements) @export class EndlessLoopStatement(LoopStatement): pass @export class ForLoopStatement(LoopStatement): _loopIndex: str _range: Range def __init__(self, loopIndex: str, range: Range, statements: Iterable[ConcurrentStatement] = None, label: str = None): super().__init__(label, statements) self._loopIndex = loopIndex self._range = range @property def LoopIndex(self) -> str: return self._loopIndex @property def Range(self) -> Range: return self._range @export class WhileLoopStatement(LoopStatement, MixinConditional): def __init__(self, condition: ExpressionUnion, statements: Iterable[ConcurrentStatement] = None, label: str = None): super().__init__(label, statements) MixinConditional.__init__(self, condition) @export class LoopControlStatement(SequentialStatement, MixinConditional): """A ``LoopControlStatement`` is a base-class for all loop controlling statements.""" _loopReference: LoopStatement def __init__(self, condition: ExpressionUnion = None, loopLabel: str = None): # TODO: is this label (currently str) a Name or a Label class? super().__init__() MixinConditional.__init__(self, condition) @property def LoopReference(self) -> LoopStatement: return self._loopReference @export class NextStatement(LoopControlStatement): pass @export class ExitStatement(LoopControlStatement): pass @export class NullStatement(SequentialStatement): pass @export class WaitStatement(SequentialStatement, MixinConditional): _sensitivityList: Nullable[List[Name]] _timeout: ExpressionUnion def __init__(self, sensitivityList: Iterable[Name] = None, condition: ExpressionUnion = None, timeout: ExpressionUnion = None, label: str = None): super().__init__(label) MixinConditional.__init__(self, condition) if sensitivityList is None: self._sensitivityList = None else: self._sensitivityList = [i for i in sensitivityList] self._timeout = timeout @property def SensitivityList(self) -> List[Name]: return self._sensitivityList @property def Timeout(self) -> ExpressionUnion: return self._timeout @export class ReturnStatement(SequentialStatement, MixinConditional): _returnValue: ExpressionUnion def __init__(self, returnValue: ExpressionUnion = None): super().__init__() MixinConditional.__init__(self, returnValue) @property def ReturnValue(self) -> ExpressionUnion: return self._returnValue